Construction of Renewable Power Generation and Evacuation System in Vanuatu
Procurement Process
ITB - Invitation to bid
19-May-24 @ 10:00 PM (New York time)
Published on
02-Apr-24 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)
Reference Number
Azaharudin Aziz -
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UNDP invites prospective bidders with business areas of green and renewable energy transition from fossil fuels to clean energy in the context of rural electrification program to submit a bid for the Construction Work of a renewable energy (solar and/or hydro) power generation system and its associated power evacuation mini-grid distribution network at Larimaat and Nambranguit sites on the island of Pentecost, Vanuatu.The ITB consists of 2 Lots; Lot 1 -Larimaat Hydropower Site and Lot 2-Nambaranguit Hybrid (Solar +Hydro) Power site. The physical work for each lot may include any but is not limited to all the following:
Lot 1: Larimaat Site
· Construction of approximately 6,290W hydroelectric generation system with 5 identical units of 1.75Kw Pelton turbines (1,258W per turbine) installed in the Powerhouse. The turbines are required to have a total flow rate of 16.2 l/s with a total combined output of 23,907 W (1,258W per turbine). The length of the penstock connecting the intake to the powerhouse is approximately 380m.
· Construction of approximately 4km of single-phase low-voltage underground distribution network to connect the estimated 112 users currently living in the targeted communities and is required to be installed at 600V and 230V.
· Design and Construction of a powerhouse with internal dimensions of 6.28 meters x 3.82 meters (24m2) with 2.5 meters height. The powerhouse should be constructed with a proper ventilation system. It will be constructed with a 250mm high reinforced concrete slab and walls made of concrete hollow blocks. A shed-type roof will be built with a timber structure treated for termites and a Colourbond steel roofing sheet with thermal insulation.
Lot 2: Nambaranguit Site
· Construction of approximately 3,493W hydroelectric generation system with 3 identical units of 1.75kW Pelton-type turbines (1,164W per turbine) installed in the Powerhouse. The turbines are required to have a total flow rate of 10.4 l/s with a total combined output of 3,493W (1,164W per turbine). The length of the penstock connecting the intake to the powerhouse is approximately 380m.
· Construction of a 25kW PV array on an elevated canopy with SE-NW orientation is expected to be installed as part of the project. It is expected that the PV and hydroelectric systems will deliver a combined generation capacity of up to 28000W.
· Construction of approximately 6.8km of single-phase low-voltage hybrid (underground and aerial) distribution network to connect the 167 potential users currently living in the targeted communities and is required to be installed at 600V.
· Design and Construction of a powerhouse with internal dimensions of 6.28 meters by 4.32 meters (27.12m2) with 2.5 meters height. The powerhouse should be constructed with a proper ventilation system. It will be constructed with a 250mm high reinforced concrete slab, and walls of concrete hollow blocks. A shed-type roof will be built with a timber structure treated for termites and a Colourbond steel roofing sheet with thermal insulation.
· Site establishment and construction preliminaries on each site;
· Project completion including site demobilisation and clean up on each site.
Please note that the pre-bid conference (using Zoom meeting) is scheduled as follows:
Date: Thursday, 21st March 2024
Time: 11 00 am., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Time
Meeting details will be provided directly to the bidders who express interest in participating by email to or through a messaging functionality in Quantum e-Tendering messaging functionality.
In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice and following the instructions in the guides available on the UNDP website:
Please do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from the previous registration.
We look forward to receiving your bid
UNDP Office of Procurement,
Global Procurement Supply Division
Crisis, Climate, and Infrastructure Team
Documents :
Negotiation Document(s) (Before Accessing other negotiations Document(s), please click on this link)Sustainable Procurement Indicators : | Environmental - Climate change mitigation and adaptation / Requirement to use low-carbon/energy-efficient technologies, minimum energy performance, and low power mode equipment / Minimum mandatory technical specifications and tender requirements Environmental - Prevention of pollution / Requirements for waste water management and prevention of effluents reaching water bodies including ground water. / Minimum mandatory technical specifications and tender requirements Environmental - Protection of the environment, biodiversity and restoration of natural habitats / Other / Minimum mandatory technical specifications and tender requirements Environmental - Sustainable resource use / Other / Sourcing/pre-qualification of bidders Social - Human rights and labour issues / Requirement to adhere to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the fundamental principles and rights at work as referred to in ILO's core conventions (freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced labour, the effective abolition of child labour and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation) / Minimum mandatory technical specifications and tender requirements |