360_Consultant for Capacity Development in Area of Access to Public Information
Procurement Process
IC - Individual contractor
20-May-24 @ 10:59 AM (New York time)
Published on
20-Apr-24 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)
Reference Number
Procurement UA - procurement.ua@undp.org
If you already have a supplier profile, please access the negotiation using quicklink or please login to the Supplier Portal, then search for the negotiation using the reference number UNDP-UKR-00742,2, following the instructions in the user guide.
Country: UkraineUnder the direct supervision of the Human Rights and Access to Justice Project Manager, National Consultants for Capacity Development in the Area of Access to Public Information will be responsible for the following key tasks:
- Conducting an analytical study on abuse of rights regarding access to information.
- Providing training to the NHRI’s Secretariat staff based on the standard programme on access to public information (full course).
- In cooperation with the NHRI’s Secretariat and its regional network arranging and coordinating of monitoring on information rights in conditions of martial law.
- Conducting a School of Training Mastery on Access to Public Information 2.0 for trainers of qualification improvement centers in regions and certain employees of the NHRI’s Secretariat.
- Conducting an assessment of official websites for the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy and the Ombudsperson regarding compliance with the requirements of the Cabinet of Ministers resolution dated January 4, 2002, No. 3 and the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information" (assessment of the structure, content, and navigational accessibility of official websites of state authorities and local self-government bodies).
Considering the large volume of work on these tasks, two consultants who are equally responsible for the quality and completeness of the tasks will be involved in the assignment. The distribution of work will be carried out equally, in agreement with the Human Rights and Access to Justice Project Manager.
Any request for clarification must be sent in writing via messaging functionality in the portal. UNDP will respond in writing including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry.
Please indicate whether you intend to submit a bid by creating a draft response without submitting directly in the system. This will enable the system to send notifications in case of amendments of the tender requirements. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate using the messaging functionality in the system. Offers must be submitted directly in the system following this link: http://supplier.quantum.partneragencies.org using the profile you may have in the portal. In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice and following the instructions in guides available in UNDP website: https://www.undp.org/procurement/business/resources-for-bidders. Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.
!PLEASE NOTE: the currency of the proposal is UAH. Furthermore, UNDP will enter into a contract with the selected national consultant in UAH.
Link for registration to be used: Supplier Registration (oraclecloud.com)
Localized guide for Supplier profile registration: Quantum Supplier registration brief manual UA v.4.pdf (undp.org) (UA)
Localized guide for UNDP suppliers using the Quantum portal: PowerPoint Presentation (undp.org) (UA)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Procurement Unit