RFP- Mentorship Assistance to Georgian SMEs and Enterprise Georgia
Procurement Process
RFP - Request for proposal
28-Jun-24 @ 09:00 AM (New York time)
Published on
16-May-24 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)
Reference Number
Procurement Unit - procurement.geo@undp.org
If you already have a supplier profile, please login to the Supplier Portal, then search for the negotiation using the reference number UNDP-GEO-00136,1, following the instructions in the user guide.
UNDP kindly request you to submit your Proposal for Mentorship Assistance to Georgian SMEs and Enterprise Georgia. Please be guided by the instructions provided in the system and forms attached to, in preparing your Proposal. Proposals may be submitted on or before the deadline indicated in the system directly in the portal. It is your responsibility to ensure that your quotation is submitted before the deadline. Offers received after the submission deadline outside the online portal, for whatever reason, will not be considered for evaluation.
Pre-proposal Conference will be conducted on 24 May 2024 at 14:00 (local time, GMT+4) through Zoom platform (Please use the following link to attend the meeting):
https://undp.zoom.us/j/82107452877?pwd=VFJnN2dQZ2lNWDdCWFIwSDNmNExqZz09 Meeting ID: 821 0745 2877 Passcode:128667