Creating a Mobile Application for the Independent Election Commission (IEC)
Procurement Process
RFP - Request for proposal
12-Jun-24 @ 05:00 AM (New York time)
Published on
29-May-24 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)
Reference Number
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In line with the promise of the 2030 Agenda to ‘leave no one behind’, greater efforts are required to collect disaggregated data that clearly reveals the situation of the most disadvantaged and discriminated groups.
Risks to democratic and human rights institutions, and to civil and political rights resulting from shrinking civic space were identified by the UN in Jordan. Under its current Country Programme Document (CPD) for 2023-2027 and under outcome 1: Enhanced accountability and responsiveness of Jordanian institutions and their partners, and especially women, PWDs and youth are increasingly and meaningfully involved in policy choices and decisions that affect their lives, UNDP Jordan is committed to supporting IEC to play an enhanced role in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals as well as related national priorities. The proposed initiative aims at strengthening the role of IEC as an effective, transparent, accountable and inclusive institution.
The proposed project (SITEJ) reflects the UN SDG principle of ‘leaving no one behind’ and includes outreach to the most vulnerable groups among persons with disabilities (PWDs). In specific, it aims at strengthening PWDs’ participation and representation in electoral processes.
(SITEJ) will support the Independent Election Commission (IEC) to work as a modern and professional election management body throughout the electoral cycle, with effective, specialized operational and logistical capabilities that enable it to prepare for and implement the 2024 parliamentary elections, facilitating the participation of PWDs. The project will also promote voter education, awareness raising campaigns and knowledge transfer activities aimed at a wide range of electoral stakeholders, with specific focus on PWDs.
The outcome of this scope of work, is empowering IEC to fulfil its election mandate. This will be achieved through facilitating participation of PWDs, extending support to the Information Systems Department at IEC, through developing a mobile application to facilitate easy-to-use election tools. The Mobile Application will be user friendly, especially to PWDs and support r ease of access to information related to elections. It will also support awareness raising of registered voters, including PWDs with hearing and vision impairment through introducing voice over services to the mobile application, including communication and awareness raising products uploaded on the Mobile application. The hosting of the mobile application will be on IEC servers, using database that is already available on IEC servers.
Specifically, the contractor will develop a mobile application that provides election related services to registered voters and services customized for PWD registered voters