International Firm - Evaluation of the (UNSDCF) 2020-2025
Procurement Process
RFP - Request for proposal
16-Jun-24 @ 08:52 AM (New York time)
Published on
30-May-24 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)
Reference Number
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The UNCT Liberia will be hiring an international consultancy firm to conduct the CF evaluation in Liberia. The firm should have minimum two to five year experience in conducting similar experience evaluation exercise. The consultancy firm should have a team that will be composed of a multidisciplinary and gender balanced team of thematic evaluators or specialists (including an international team leader, international specialist, and national experts) with expertise in the four CF strategic priority/results areas, namely, Outcome 1: Basic Social Services, Outcome 2: Sustainable Economic Development, Outcome 3: Sustaining and Security, and Outcome 4: Governance & Transparency.
The consultancy firm shall be responsible for recruiting and deploying its team of international and national experts to carry out the evaluation in an effective manner. The Team Leader and members must have extensive prior experience and expertise in designing and undertaking evaluations on interventions related to the outcome areas of the CF and priorities of the national development plan, including social protection, gender equality, health system strengthening and service delivery, food systems strengthening, agriculture, nutrition, sustainable and diversified economic development, energy, climate change, natural resource governance, peace, security and rule of law, good governance and transparency, etc. The evaluation should also have prior experience in designing and evaluating a UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework.