01 National Consultant to develop guidance for implementation of the NBSAP

This specific tender is managed via the new supplier portal system of UNDP Quantum. If you are interested in submitting a bid for this tender, you must subscribe following the instructions in the user guide. If you have not registered a profile with this system, you can do so by following the link for Supplier Registration.

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Viet Nam is one of the four countries receiving support to carry out National Ecosystem Assessment (NEA) under BES-Net I, together with Cameroon, Colombia and Ethiopia. Given the NEA related achievements in Viet Nam to date, the country was selected as a priority target country for catalytic financial support (BES Solution Fund) under BES-Net II project’s Component 1 “Create a shared vision and mode or collaboration among science, policy and practice communities for sustainable BES conservation and management in target countries”. The BES-Net II support is allocated strategically to strengthen the interface and partnership between ‘policy’, ‘science’ and ‘practice’, and promote the harmonized implementation of NEA recommendations by these three communities.

UNDP Vietnam is looking for a qualified national consultant to support BCA/MONRE in elaborating the main and novel contents in the NBSAP to provide guidance for the development and promulation of the action plans of the Strategy at the provincial level.  

The consultancy’s overall objective is:

(1)       To develop an analysis and explanation document for main and new points in the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP).

(2)       To develop guidance for development and promulgation of the action plans for implementation of NBSAP at the provincial level.

Interested individual consultants must directly submit proposals on or before the deadline to the online portal, following the instructions in the system. It is your responsibility to ensure that your proposal is submitted before the deadline. Proposals received after the submission deadline outside the online portal, for whatever reason, will not be considered for evaluation.

If you have an account, log in this link: http://supplier.quantum.partneragencies.org using your username and password. Use the forgotten password/username feature if you do not remember them. If you do not have an account already, you can register one following this link: https://estm.fa.em2.oraclecloud.com/fscmUI/faces/PrcPosRegisterSupplier?prcBuId=300000127715271. Search for the specific tender using search filters and subscribe to the tender in order to get notifications in case of amendments of the tender document. If you need support with the online system, you can contact: Ms. Luu Ngoc Diep, Procurement Unit, UNDP Vietnam. Tel: +84 24 38500200; Email: luu.ngoc.diep@undp.org


Documents :

Negotiation Document(s) (Before Accessing other negotiations Document(s), please click on this link)