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HDRO- Concept testing of a Nature Relationship Index
Procurement Process
RFP - Request for proposal
12-Jul-24 @ 11:59 PM (New York time)
Published on
27-Jun-24 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)
Reference Number
Prachi Paliwal -
The Human Development Report Office (HDRO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is committed to advancing human development by expanding opportunities, choices, and freedom. This mission is achieved through a multifaceted approach that includes promoting innovative ideas, advocating for effective policy changes, and constructively challenging policies and approaches that hinder human development.
HDRO produces the Human Development Report (HDR) and other key knowledge products, along with a series of human development metrics for tracking global development progress. As found in the latest series of HDRs, conventional development narratives, assuming known benchmarks and linear pathways of progress, no longer appear to hold and the world is now faced with the challenge of re-defining development, amidst great uncertainty. Average progress in traditional development indicators has not necessarily translated into increased individual life satisfaction. Globally, perceptions of insecurity and feelings of distress are reaching record highs, including in some of the wealthiest countries in the world. Yet these feelings of distress have an objective basis. Inequalities in the human development index between countries at the top and countries at the bottom of the index are opening again, after 30 years of convergence. Between people, new gaps are opening in areas important for human development in the 21st century – such as higher education and digitalization – and humans’ planetary pressures are threatening both human development and human security progress.
At this critical moment when the world needs to redouble efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda whilst also start steering towards a post-Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) world, HDRO is leading a new research and metrics agenda that will explore and assess how to we might drive transformations towards a more just and livable planet. The 2023-2024 HDR explores how to enhance collective action to address globally shared challenges, in a world where lack of trust and polarization, both associated with rising feelings of insecurity, puts up barriers to action. It opens a new trilogy of report framed by the three layers of the uncertainty complex identified in the 2021/22 HDR: widespread, intensifying societal polarization, delaying collective action (2023-24 HDR); rapid technological change, particularly digital technologies, impacting on prospects for human development (2025 HDR); the intertwined planetary pressures and inequalities of the Anthropocene shaping opportunities for human development well into the future (2026 HDR).
To achieve its mission, HDRO works closely with partners to drive change through extensive research and writing, data analysis and visualization, support for national and regional analyses, as well as outreach and advocacy work.
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Human Development Report Office