Compost Shade & Asphalt Yard Works for Ayl Composting Plant
Procurement Process
RFQ - Request for quotation
24-Jul-24 @ 05:00 AM (New York time)
Published on
09-Jul-24 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)
Reference Number
If you already have a supplier profile, please login to the Supplier Portal, then search for the negotiation using the reference number UNDP-JOR-00350,1, following the instructions in the user guide.
The "Mitigating Climate Change through Solid Waste Management in Southern Jordan" project, is considered to be a new inspiration in solid waste treatment in Jordan, based on the successful models already implemented by UNDP with the support from the Government of Canada in northern Jordan and other similar models worldwide. The project takes into account the local context of the target area in the south and the different technical (amount and type of wastes generated) and socioeconomic aspects. This project is built on the successes of the previous projects implemented in the North of Jordan.
This project is designed to address climate change mitigation measures in Jordan and particularly in the Southern Region of the country through controlling the impact of landfilling waste and introducing the circular and green economy instead, to create income generation opportunities and improve livelihood opportunities for the local community including women and youth. New business models will be introduced pursuing solutions for solid waste management under integrated approaches and employing the circular economy concept. It is anticipated that the present intervention will make a good contribution and complement earlier interventions by Canada and UNDP in the north and norther western Jordan to the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) which Jordan has submitted (the updated NDCs) to the UNFCCC on October 12, 2021. Furthermore, the present intervention is in line with the recently updated National Climate Change Policy where a set of mitigation Policies and Actions have been proposed to support the Mitigation Policy Statement of “towards achieving the vision of a net-zero carbon economy by 2050”. The “Promote a circular waste economy” is one of the relevant policies proposed in the document and the action under that policy was “enhance the national solid waste policy and strategic framework to develop a circular waste economy taking into account all waste management operations (e.g. reducing waste generation, reuse, sorting (at source and other), collection, transport, storage, recovery (materials and energy), recycling, treatment and environmentally-sound final disposal of waste, closure and subsequent follow-up on waste treatment facilities) at all fundamental principles (e.g. Prevention, Precautionary, Extended Responsibility, The Polluter Pays, Proximity, etc.).”
The different components proposed under this project are comprised of building infrastructure and operation, responding to socio-economic challenges, improving the livelihood of the community, awareness raising, establishing marketing channels, developing research (in collaboration with local and national universities). It is worth mentioning that the project’s design is flexible enough to accommodate any new relevant activities that may emerge during implementation, with a gender responsive approach.
The solid waste management issue, given that it has been a serious and key challenge to the country and to its national development agenda, has received a considerable attention from different donors and development agencies during the past ten years, however, due to the Syria crisis and the concentration of refugees in the northern governorates, most of that attention and funds have been focusing on the northern region. The project will target all possible genre of solid waste available in the targeted areas for operation of the compost plant and will encourage integration/partnerships with some of the existing businesses in the SWM sector. Under this TOR, the focus will be at the construction of the composting plant yard, packaging shade and power supply connection for the offices and shade.
Prebid meeting will be held online on 16/7/2024 at 11:00 AM Amman Time. Site visit will be held on 17/7/2024 at 11:00 AM at project site in Ayl.
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