206_National Individual Consultant – development of a ME and FLAS methodology

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Country: Ukraine

Project Name: Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme

Title of assignment: National Individual Consultant – for the development of a methodology for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the quality of the Free Legal Aid System Training Process 

Period of assignment/services: August-September 2024

Main objectives of the assignment: National Individual Consultant – for the development of a methodology for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the quality of the Free Legal Aid System Training Process 

Scope of work:

Under the supervision of the Rule of Law and Access to Justice Analyst the Consultant is expected to develop a comprehensive algorithm aimed at monitoring and assessment of the quality of the FLAS personnel training process; specifically, this includes the development of a «Model of the FLAS Personnel Professional Competencies», «Competency-Based Methodology of the Free Legal Aid System Training Process», «Tools and Methodology for the Training Process Monitoring and Evaluation», «Competencies Assessment System», and any necessary improvements to the existing «Procedure for organizing the training process and professional development of interregional centers for Free Legal Aid Staff» drafted by the Coordination Centre for Legal Aid Provision (hereinafter – CCLAP). 

As part of the algorithm's development process, the Consultant is anticipated to undertake an audit of the current state of the FLAS training system, which will include conducting key informant interviews with appropriate FLAS staff and a desk review of existing internal FLAS’ training process (the respective documents shall be provided by CCLAP); the Consultant will also review the tools and methods currently employed to evaluate the organization of the training process and the quality of training, identifying gaps, providing expert recommendations, and develop the necessary tools and documents required by this assignment.

Specifically, the Consultant will be required to complete the following deliverables:

1. Analysis of the FLAS training system and, as deemed necessary, improvement of the existing methodology underpinning the training and professional development processes for FLAS personnel; 

2. Development of a «Model of the FLAS Personnel Professional Competencies»;

3. Development of a «Competency-Based Methodology of the Free Legal Aid System Training Process»;

4. Development of «Tools and Methodology for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the FLAS Training Process»;

5. Development of a «Competencies Assessment System» based on the documents developed at points 2 and 3 above. 

In addition, the Consultant will be required to collaborate closely with FLAS to gain a comprehensive understanding of the existing training system, tools, and practices and challenges, with the aim to provide consultations throughout the development phase of the requisite methodologies and documents, to identify and agree on the primary approach to the assignment, providing support and expert advice to FLAS regarding the implementation of methodologies, tools, models, and other documents developed by the Consultant.

The Consultant will participate in initial meetings with representatives of CCLAP and UNDP, as well as feedback meetings within the timeframe specified in the terms and conditions of the contract for each deliverable of the assignment. The feedback meetings will be organized by UNDP to facilitate collaborative discussions concerning the outcomes achieved, providing guidance, expert advice and recommendations, clarification, and support to FLAS representatives regarding the implementation of developed materials, documents, and tools.

The Terms of Reference (TOR) for this assignment can be directly accessed either through the Quantum Negotiation or within the Negotiation Documents on the UNDP Procurement Notices website.



Proposal should be submitted directly in Quantum portal no later than indicated deadline following the link: http://supplier.quantum.partneragencies.org using the profile you may have in the portal. Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.

Any request for clarification not related to registration issues must be sent in writing via messaging functionality in Quantum. UNDP will respond in writing.

Please indicate whether you intend to submit a proposal by creating a draft response without submitting directly in the system. This will enable the system to send notifications in case of amendments of the announcement requirements.


In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via this procurement notice and following the instructions in guides available in UNDP website: https://www.undp.org/procurement/business/resources-for-bidders.

Do not create a new profile if you already have one/registered before. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.

UKRAINIAN - Brief Guide for Supplier profile registration Quantum Supplier registration brief manual UA v.4.pdf (undp.org) (UA)

UKRAINIAN - Guide for UNDP suppliers to use the Quantum portal (registration, how to submit a proposal & other)PowerPoint Presentation (undp.org) (UA)

ENGLISH - Guide for UNDP suppliers to use the Quantum portal (registration, how to submit a proposal & other): PowerPoint Presentation (undp.org) (EN)

If you have any problems with registration in Quantum, please send a request for assistance to email quantum.reg.ua@undp.org (please indicate in subject of email the reference number of Quantum negotiation and/or title of assignment). 

Documents :

Negotiation Document(s) (Before Accessing other negotiations Document(s), please click on this link)