UNDP-HQ-01126 Consultant, Project Manager - Italy West Africa Digital Flagship

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Title: Consultant, Project Manager – Italy West Africa Digital Flagship Project

Duty Station: Rome

Project reference:  Italy Digital Flagship with West Africa project, UNDP Chief Digital Office team (CDO)

Contract type: Individual Contract (IC)

Contract duration: 200 days within 10 months


A.        Project Description

Digital transformation holds immense potential for catalyzing sustainable development across West Africa. Backed by research from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which underscores the direct impact of digital technologies on 70% of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the region, with its young and growing population, stands poised for transformation. Led by the Government of Italy and UNDP, the Digital Flagship for West Africa aims to catalyze transformative digital development opportunities in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Senegal. 

Supported by Italy’s Mattei plan for Africa, the Digital Flagship for West Africa will leverage Italian and global expertise and financing to design largescale bankable, multicomponent, multi-year initiatives on digital connectivity and public infrastructure in Senegal, Ghana, and Côte d’Ivoire, to be financed through a combination of financial tools, including grants and credits. Designed as bilateral projects leveraging cross-sector partnerships, in each of these three focus countries, the objectives are to undertake demand-led design with the countries, to enhance connectivity to rural and remote areas, to improve access to digital connectivity infrastructure, foster the development of public digital systems, such as digital identity and tax systems, and strengthen digital ecosystems driving inclusive and equitable sustainable growth in fields such as agriculture, climate and health.  

Considering Africa’s sustainable financing gap, this project aims to develop bankable projects and extend long-term financing for digital transformation in the three countries, while crowding in other partners including international financing institutions and leading actors in the Italian ecosystem. The project will be implemented in the spirit of the Mattei plan, incorporating principles of co-design and inviting participation from new technical partners and solutions.    


B.        Scope of the work:


The Digital Flagship for Africa project will be co-coordinated within the UNDP Chief Digital Office (CDO) and Rome Centre, in close collaboration with the Government of Italy, UNDP country offices, national governments and development partners.

This 10-month project will define digital development opportunities in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Senegal via assessments and extensive multistakeholder engagement and co-design with national governments, implementing partners, and solutions providers, to develop bankable projects in the three countries on mutually agreeable financing terms and conditions. 



C.       Expected Deliverables and Timeline:


Deliverables/ Outputs

Estimated Days to Complete

Target Due Dates

Payment % of total contract

Deliverable 1: Report on Progress

·       Establish and onboard project teams in 3 countries and Rome

20 days

16 Sept 2024


Deliverable 2: Workplan and Stakeholder Engagement plan

·       Workplan: Provide a detailed work plan outlining the methodology, approach, and timeline for finalizing the project.

20 days

15 Oct 2024


Deliverable 3: Report on Progress

·       High-Level Analysis based on DRA completed


20 days

13 Nov 2024


Deliverable 4

Report on high-level analysis / consultations on focus areas for each country – based on UNDP’s Digital Readiness Assessment

20 days

11 Dec 2024


Deliverable 5                

·       Define scope for each country: 2-3 pager per country outlining the scope

20 days

13 Jan 2025


Deliverable 6 

·       Deep analysis-  several page document, with a detailed problem description for each focus area in each countr

Documents :

Negotiation Document(s) (Before Accessing other negotiations Document(s), please click on this link)