GEDSI Consultant for the SEED Project
Procurement Process
IC - Individual contractor
26-Sep-24 @ 05:00 AM (New York time)
Published on
06-Sep-24 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)
Reference Number
UNDP Procurement Philippines -
If you already have a supplier profile, please login to the Supplier Portal, then search for the negotiation using the reference number UNDP-PHL-00532, following the instructions in the user guide.
Country: Philippines
Description of the Assignment:
The SEED Project aims to support the NEDA Investment Programming Group (IPG) in cultivating evaluation culture within the government, fostering evidence-based decision making, good governance and accountability. The project also actively contributes to the implementation of a National Evaluation Agenda.
With support from the Australian Government, the SEED Project is designed to facilitate the following activities: (a) conducting impact evaluations of government flagship programs and projects; (b) developing evaluation training modules; (c) conducting training sessions to address evaluation capacity needs of the government; and (d) providing technical support for structured coaching and mentoring sessions with NEDA in producing evaluation knowledge products.
To strengthen the evaluative culture in government for deeper learning, decision-making, and accountability, it is crucial to apply a gender lens approach, ensuring that evaluation systems and institutions are inclusive and contextually appropriate. Failure to integrate a gender dimension in evaluation studies and systems can result in gender-blind outcomes and decision-making. If left unchecked, this may lead to an evaluation cycle design that fails to address gender equality or, worse, perpetuates gender discriminatory norms and processes.
As mandated by Republic Act 7192, the Women in Development and Nation Building Act, NEDA is responsible for ensuring the participation of women as recipients of foreign aid, grants, and loans, and for determining and recommending the amount allocated for development activities involving women (Sections 3 and 4, RA 7192). This includes integrating women's participation in the planning, design, implementation, management, monitoring, and evaluation of the government’s development programs, consistent with RA 9710, the Magna Carta of Women (MCW), and the existing Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG).
In line with this mandate, NEDA is seeking a GEDSI Consultant to support the NEDA IPG, specifically the NEDA Central Evaluation Unit (CEU), in strengthening its focus on gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) in support of its evaluation mandate.
Period of assignment/services: 15 days
Proposal should be submitted directly in the portal no later than indicated deadline.
Any request for clarification must be sent in writing via messaging functionality in the portal. UNDP will respond in writing including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry.
Please indicate whether you intend to submit a bid by creating a draft response without submitting directly in the system. This will enable the system to send notifications in case of amendments of the tender requirements. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate using the messaging functionality in the system. Offers must be submitted directly in the system following this link: using the profile you may have in the portal. In case you have never registered before, you can register a profile using the registration link shared via the procurement notice and following the instructions in guides available in UNDP website: Do not create a new profile if you already have one. Use the forgotten password feature in case you do not remember the password or the username from previous registration.