National Consultant to Support The Implementation Of The Project “Mainstreaming

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Country: RWANDA


Description of the Assignment:  National Consultant to support the implementation of the project “mainstreaming the sound management of chemicals into national planning and strengthening regulatory frameworks” in Rwanda.


Period of assignment/services: 80 working days (for a period of 4 months from Award date) 


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Rwanda Country Office is looking for a qualified and experienced national consultant to support the effective implementation of the project entitled “Mainstreaming the sound management of chemicals into national planning and strengthening regulatory frameworks” funded by the Government of Germany. 

The Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC), adopted at the 5th session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) in Bonn in 2023, provides a vision for a planet free of harm from chemicals and waste, for a safe, healthy and sustainable future – where industry and private sectors are strategic actors to foster innovation, move towards sustainable business models and drive change. The GFC is a blueprint for multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder actions to phase out the most harmful chemicals and to strengthen capacity to assess, identify, and address chemicals issues of concern. 

Core elements of the GFC are 5 strategic objectives and 28 targets to be reached by 2030 or 2035 that guide stakeholders at all levels to take measurable actions to address the sound management of chemicals and waste.

The project aims to support Rwanda in improving its capacity towards the achievement of the following GFC targets:  

  • Target A1 “Adopt, implement, and enforce legal frameworks by 2030” 
  • Target E1 “Mainstream the sound management of chemicals in all relevant sectoral plans, budgets, and development plans”
  • Target E3 “identification of adequate, predictable and sustainable financial resources” 

To support Rwanda in advancing towards GFC Targets A1, E1 and E3, the project aims to build on the results and lessons learned from the implementation of the “UNDP-UNEP Partnership Initiative for the Integration of Sound Management of Chemicals into Development Planning Processes” implemented in 17 countries, and by applying the UNDP-UNEP Methodology for Integrating the Sound Management of Chemicals into Development Planning. 

Specifically in support of GFC Target E3, the proposed project will place emphasis on the assessment of potential financial mechanisms and opportunities that could support Rwanda in catalyzing financing for the sound management of chemicals and waste, support the phase-out of hazardous chemicals and introduce safer alternatives (for example in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, cooling, ICT, textiles, etc.). As such, the proposed project will build on methodologies and systemic approaches developed by the Biodiversity Finance Initiative  ( currently under implementation in 40 countries, including Rwanda.

The project consists of 3 components: 

  • Component 1: Support revision of chemicals and waste related legislation.
  • Component 2: Support mainstreaming of SMC priorities in sectoral plans, budgets, and development plans. 
  • Component 3: Identify financial gaps and potential financial mechanisms to meet national SMC needs.

To ensure consolidation with ongoing efforts, the project will be aligned with two other related projects in Rwanda that aim to contribute to the achievement of chemicals-related Convention objectives (from now on referred to as the “co-financing projects”): 

1. The GEF financed project “Supporting a Green Economy - Decoupling Hazardous Waste Generation from Economic Growth in Rwanda (6.8 million USD)”, currently under implementation. The project aims to support the Government of Rwanda and its private and public sector in decoupling hazardous waste generation and harmful releases from economic growth by enhancing the introduction of the 4R approach (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle and Recovery) in priority industries and economic sectors, while at the same time enhancing private sector-led national waste treatment capacity to ensure the sound management of wastes. The project is supported with 6.3 million USD from the GEF and 500,000 USD from UNDP Core Resources. 

2. The Rwanda Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BioFin) project – Phase II ( In Rwanda the BioFin project is (among other interventions) supporting a study on Repurposing potential harmful subsides to biodiversity in Rwanda to identify and map negative subsidies to biodiversity and propose new positive subsidies for the government of Rwanda. The study also assesses harmful subsidies to biodiversity linked to chemicals and waste management. 

To implement this initiative, the UNDP Rwanda Country Office, the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) and UNDP’s Chemicals and Waste Hub and will be working closely with national and international consultants. 

Proposals should be submitted directly in the portal no later than indicated deadline.

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing via messaging functionality in the portal. UNDP will respond in writing including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry.

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Documents :

Negotiation Document(s) (Before Accessing other negotiations Document(s), please click on this link)