UNDP-RFP-2024-346-Identification of a National Firm for Organizing Pre COP 29

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Identification of a National Firm/Organization for Organizing Pre- Conference of the Parties (COP) 29

Scope of Work: 

The scope of work for the Pre-COP29 Conference: Subnational Perspectives on Framing Pakistan’s Agenda at COP29 includes the following key elements:

1.    Stakeholder Engagement

  • Identification of Key Stakeholders (estimated 40 to 50 participants): Identify and reach out to relevant participants, including:

                  I.            Subnational government representatives (provincial and district levels)

                II.            Members of the Ministry of Climate Change

              III.            Civil society organizations (CSOs), NGOs, and local communities

              IV.            Academia and research institutions

               V.            Members of parliament, senate, judiciary, and relevant standing committees

              VI.            Development partners and international agencies

  • Coordination with Partners: Engage with the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination and Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) for planning and resource sharing.
  1. Conference Planning & Execution
  • Event Planning and Logistics (event will be conducted in Islamabad):

                  I.            Secure the venue for the event.

                II.            Arrange travel (Participants are expected from all provinces of Pakistan), accommodations, and catering for participants.

              III.            Ensure access to interpretation or translation services if required.

  • Program Design: Develop the conference agenda, structuring it to cover:

                  I.            Subnational climate issues and their relevance to national goals.

                II.            Pakistan’s national and international commitments (NDCs, BTRs, NCQG).

              III.            The role of provinces in supporting Pakistan’s COP29 agenda.

  1. Moderation and Facilitation
  • Facilitating Sessions: Ensure that discussions are effectively moderated to give voice to subnational governments, civil society, and marginalized communities.
  • Breakout Sessions: Organize group discussions focused on critical areas such as:

                  I.            Climate finance for provinces.

                II.            Adaptation strategies for vulnerable regions.

              III.            Loss and damage mechanisms specific to local needs.

  1. Documentation & Reporting

·       Report Development: Document the key takeaways, recommendations, and action items from the conference.

·       Synthesis of Inputs: Compile feedback and perspectives from subnational participants to shape a policy brief for COP29.

·       Conference Outcome Report: Prepare a final report for distribution to key stakeholders, outlining agreed-upon actions and strategies for representing Pakistan at COP29.

5.       Media and Communications

  • Media Strategy: Develop and execute a media and communication plan that includes:

                  I.            Pre-event promotion (press releases, social media, etc.).

                II.            Coverage during the event.

              III.            Post-event dissemination of outcomes.

  • COP29 Awareness: Raise awareness about COP29’s significance for Pakistan, highlighting subnational climate challenges and solutions.

6.       Post-Conference Actions

  • Follow-up with Stakeholders: Ensure continuous dialogue with subnational and national actors leading up to COP29.
  • Use of Pakistan Pavilion at COP29: Solicit recommendations for utilizing the Pakistan pavilion to showcase the findings and perspectives of subnational stakeholders at COP29.
  • Advocacy and Partnerships: Build partnerships with international organizations and donors for follow-up actions.

This scope of work will ensure that the Pre-COP29 Conference effectively represents Pakistan’s diverse regional perspectives, making the country’s stance at COP29 inclusive and robust.

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Documents :

Negotiation Document(s) (Before Accessing other negotiations Document(s), please click on this link)