International Consultant - Technical Specialist (FARM)
Procurement Process
IC - Individual contractor
11-Dec-24 @ 12:59 PM (New York time)
Published on
14-Nov-24 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)
Reference Number
Kongthanou Khanthavixay -
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Country: Lao PDR
Description of the Assignment:
General requirements
The International Consultant - Technical Specialist will provide high level advice and guidance to Department of Agriculture, Government of Lao PDR and UNDP in the following areas:
· Guide and support with international technical expertise on project implementation activities under Component 1, 2 3, and 4.
· Coordinate and support the development and implementation a capacity building programme for strengthening pesticide registration in line with FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit.
· Coordinate and support the development of a capacity building programme for implementation of the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides.
· Identify key stakeholders to involve in the capacity building programmes and ensure engagement in accordance with the requirement of Stakeholder Engagement Plan during project.
· Conduct a local preliminary diagnosis and validation of existing stockpiles within the country.
· Assess treatment and disposal facilities for wastes at national and/or regional level.
· Design an optimization plan for the removal of identified stockpiles considering best practices worldwide.
· Ensure the implementation of existing BEP/BAT throughout project activities.
Specific tasks
Task 1: Technical guidance, review and contractor management.
- Develop detailed Terms of References for national and international consultants and contractors, as required by the project;
- Supervise consultants, and conduct quality assurance review of technical review of their contracted outputs;
- Provide technical guidance and support to DOA and the project team;
Task 2: Development of project reports and knowledge products.
- Draft synthesis reports to be published as technical project reports using outputs from consultants and project outcomes;
- Provide inputs on the development of knowledge products to showcase project outcomes and achievements, such as: fact sheets, brochures, posters, maps, conceptual diagrams and infographics, videos etc. for publishing in print and/or online media;
- Draft event summaries, new items, stories etc. for publishing on the project’s knowledge hub/ portal;
- Draft a detailed progress report of the project
Task 3: Build project visibility and linkages with other projects and development partners
- Promote the project and its achievements through the dissemination of knowledge products and communication materials via the project’s knowledge hub and other forums;
- Represent the project at stakeholder events and meetings;
- Build synergies with other projects through collaborations with government and development partners;
Task 4: Project monitoring and reporting.
- Provide inputs to the project’s M&E reports, such as: six monthly progress reports, GEF Project Implementation Reports (PIR), mid-term and end-of-project reviews;
- Provide feedback on the performance of project consultants;
- Undertake reviews of on-ground investments and activities and document their outcomes, such as: pilot activities for sustainable agriculture, improvements in community livelihoods;
Task 5: Advocacy and Programme development.
- Lead preparation of policy papers and help to prepare policy advocacy notes/speech; and provide technical inputs to the development of new Concept note/project proposal in relevant areas.
Task 6: Staff Support and Capacity Building
• Coach and support project staff and promote a learning environment;
• Orientate UNDP and FARM project staffs on project strategies, expectations, and own roles and responsibilities;
• Assess staff competencies and guide individuals and teams to effectively complete objectives and tasks;
• Support DOA capacity enhancement efforts; mentor and develop the skills and/or provision of training of officials;
• Be mindful of staff wellness and induce a culture of transparency, problem solving, and teamwork;
• Support access to reference materials, online and other training opportunities for staff and partners;
• Support and be involved in organizing and facilitating project meetings, workshops etc. with relevant substantive inputs.
Task 7: Coordination and Networking
Documents :
Negotiation Document(s)
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