Green Jobs Expert

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A.             Project Title


Accelerating NDC through Circular Economy in Cities – ACE Project (00142944/0013117)

B.              Project Description


Waste, including marine litter, is one of the most pressing issues in the Philippines and a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). This complex challenge requires a systemic approach and a shift to a circular economic model. With the generous support of the Government of Japan, UNDP Philippines is supporting the government in achieving its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) through enabling and accelerating the country’s transition to circular economy (CE). By doing so, it will help the country achieve economic, social, and environmental goals, while also grasping the potential for substantial and accelerated reductions in GHG emissions across all sectors, while also supporting recovery from the pandemic.


The project, which entails a demonstration of how CE can be implemented at the city level, is expected to benefit national government agencies, local government units (LGUs) in the target cities, participating private sector companies (including micro and small enterprises), academic and science organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), informal waste collectors as well as communities and households through access to data and utilization of data platform, policy support at national and subnational level, CE solutions/business models, partnerships, and knowledge exchange, capacity building. This will be delivered through three main outputs: 


1.       Output 1 (DATA ANALYTICS AND POLICY): Data-driven and gender responsive analytical systems and policies developed to support the transition to a circular economy in support of NDC.

2.       Output 2 (DEMONSTRATION IN CITIES): Portfolio of solutions implemented to promote gender responsive circular economy models.

3.       Output 3 (PARTNERSHIPS AND KNOWLEDGE): Partnerships established and knowledge and lessons shared at local, national, and regional levels.


The project will be implemented in five (5) cities which are (indicative) Pasig, Caloocan, Quezon City, Manila and Cotabato City, and will work with the following stakeholders:


·       5 city LGUs and their constituents, who will benefit from improved waste management systems and procedures and circular economy (CE) solutions, thereby reducing cost, improving health outcomes, reducing pressure on the environment, creating investment and job opportunities, enhancing competitiveness, and improving adaptive capacities such as reduction in flooding and likelihood of man-made disasters;

·       At least 500 women and 500 men in the cities’ CE ecosystem and 8 city-based community organizations involved in the CE value chain

·       At least 4 small and medium scale social enterprises who will benefit from funding and technical advisory support to improve production, strengthened value chains; linking to markets and investors; and enhanced product quality

·       At least 12 academic institutions, 30 civil society organizations, and 20 private sector companies who will be involved in systems design workshops to identify and implement solutions most appropriate to their needs to improve circularity in the city

·       30 grassroots innovators mapped in 15 communities provided with opportunities to showcase their products in the digital marketplace


The promotion of green jobs in cities is among the key strategies that can contribute to a circular economy where resource use is optimized and waste generation is kept to a minimum. The ACE Project will adopt green jobs as an important element of its assistance to partner LGUs, private sector and other circular economy stakeholders. UNDP requires the services of a Green Jobs Expert to assume technical leadership in this field in the implementation of the ACE Project.


C.               Objectives and Scope of Work


The Green Jobs Expert will work with UNDP and its partners under the ACE Project, and collaborate/complement with other UNDP consultants/experts, in the performance of the following:


·       Develop a proposed Classification of Green Jobs to support a national circular economy, based on consultations with DENR, DTI, DOLE, private sector and other relevant agencies.

·       Prepare one (1) Green Jobs Action Plan for the partner LGUs of the ACE Project, identifying opportunities, challenges and needed actions at the LGU level with respect to green jobs in the context of circular economy, including financing options, private sector participation and incentives, and green jobs standards, in line with Republic Act 10771 or the Philippine Green Jobs Act of 2016 and its implementing rules and regulations.

·       Prepare one draft LGU policy (e.g. local ordinance) for each of the 5 partner LGUs (i.e. total of 5 policies), based on their existing policy gaps, in order to strengthen the local policy environment for green jobs/RA 10771

·       Provide support in seeking the passage of the draft LGU policies by the Sangguniang Panlungsod


The Green Jobs Expert will consult UNDP and its relevant partners in the preparation of the above-mentioned outputs and will make a presentation of these outputs to them for comments/revisions and finalization.


D.   Expected Outputs and Deliverables




Estimated man-days/ effort*

Tentative Target due date

Name and email address of designated person who will review and accept the output

Inception Report

2 days

20 March 2023

ACE Project Manager


Climate Action Programme Team Leader


In coordination with Impact Advisory Team, and Climate Action Programme Team

Classification of Green Jobs to support a national circular economy

15 days

10 April 2023

Green Jobs Action Plan for the partner LGUs of the ACE Project

15 days

30 April 2023

One draft LGU policy (i.e. local ordinance) for each of the 5 partner LGUs (i.e. total of 5 policies)

15 days

15 May 2023

Report on support provided to seek the passage of the draft LGU policies at the Sangguniang Panlungsod

10 days

15 June 2023

*The person-days efforts are just estimation, consultants can propose as per their understanding of the requirement.


E.              Institutional Arrangements 


1.       The Japan Supplemental Budget (JSB)-funded Accelerating NDC through Circular Economy is implemented by UNDP Philippines through a whole-of-country office approach, spearheaded by the Climate Action Programme Team and the Impact Advisory Team (IAT).


2.       The ACE Project Manager and Climate Action Programme Team Leader will jointly review the outputs of the consultant, in coordination with the Impact Advisory Team and Climate Action Programme Team.


3.       The Consultant is also expected to collaborate with other UNDP teams aside from the aforementioned ones, particularly the Peace Team on the work to be done in Cotabato City.


4.       The Consultant is expected to have his/her own provisions for workspace, communication equipment including laptop and mobile phone.  

Documents :

Negotiation Document(s) (Before Accessing other negotiations Document(s), please click on this link)