National Sustainable Financing Consultant

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A.       Project Title: Accelerating Green and Climate Finance in the Philippines: Nature-based Solutions (AGCF) or Climate Finance PH for NBS


B.       Project Description


The Philippines is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world, mostly from climate change impacts. The country has enunciated policies and programmes to reduce these risks, among others the finalization of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), the Philippines Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP). It has also institutionalized a climate budget tagging process for all agencies and developed tools and mechanisms to mainstream climate change and vulnerability assessments in various levels of programming. However, to achieve the desired transformation, funding would be needed not only from government but from private sector as well. Business decisions and investment priorities should be aligned with the country’s ambition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve adaptation of communities to protect people, assets and communities at risk. The government has been at the forefront of this initiative through several policy measures. These include, the Central Bank’s Sustainable Finance Framework, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Guidelines on Environmental, social and Governance reporting, and more recently, the Sustainable Finance Roadmap issues by the Interagency Task Force on Sustainable Finance, led by the Department of Finance.


In order to support the initiatives on increasing public and private sector investments towards mitigating the impacts of climate change and improving the resilience of national and local government agencies and communities, UNDP will be undertaking the Project: Accelerating Green and Climate Finance in the Philippines: Nature Based Solutions (Climate Finance PH-NBS).  With funding support from the Government of Canada, the Project aims to increase private sector investments into gender-responsive nature-based solutions for climate-resilient technologies, innovations, practices and approaches. This is in support of a just transition to resilient and low emission development that sustains nature and ecosystems and protects the rights of all who are affected and at risk. This Project will contribute to the realization of the economic prize offered by investments in nature-based solutions in the Philippines.


To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the project has four main components.

·       Component 1: Gender-sensitive platforms for data-driven policymaking and regulatory strengthening for climate finance.

·       Component 2: Design and implementation of Innovative Green and Climate Finance Solutions.

·       Component 3: Capacity building of banks and non-bank financial institutions to increase finance flows to gender sensitive, green, and climate solutions.

·       Component 4: Independent monitoring system on gender and SDG impacts of green and climate investments.


C.       Objectives and Scope of Work


Working closely with the Project Manager and the International Sustainable Financing Consultant, below are the duties and responsibilities of the Local Sustainable Financing Consultant:


·       Provide technical inputs on the implementation of Project implementation activities;

·       Provide technical guidance to the Project Manager on the development of Annual Work Plans and finalization of Terms of Reference of contractors, including the Responsible Parties;

·       Lead technical discussions with key government agency partners – Department of Finance (DoF); Climate Change Commission (CCC); Public-Private Partnership Center (PPPC); Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR); Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP); Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); National Economic Development Authority (NEDA); including the Green Force, banks and non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs); and private sector partners;

·       Lead technical discussions with the Responsible Parties, including the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), the PPP Center, and the RP on impact investments on the development of pipeline projects, financing solutions and capacity-building activities;

·       Assist in the development and delivery of capacity-building activities; and

·       Work with the PMU and other project consultants on undertaking roundtable discussions and workshops on the development of the Climate Finance Dashboard and the harmonized SDG impact measurements.


D.       Expected Outputs and Deliverables



Estimated Duration to Complete

Target Due Dates

Name and e-mail of Designated person who will review and accept Output

1.        Inception Report, including Implementation Strategies for all Project components, detailed approach, methodology and work plan for Year 1.


14 June 2023

Climate Action Programme, Team Leader

2.    Draft and finalize terms of reference for key consultancies including: responsible party for impact investments, consultancies/firms for capacity building for PPPC and banks and NBFIs, and other external consultancies.


14 July 2023

3.     Progress Implementation Report covering all Project components, including:

a. Identify synergies and opportunities for complementation with existing and planned initiatives relevant to the Project and recommend entry points for collaboration.

b. Inputs and recommendations to Climate Finance Dashboard milestones; and

c.  Inputs and recommendations on CPI, PPPC and impact investments workstreams


15 August 2023

4.     Progress Implementation Report covering all Project components, including:

a.   Inputs and recommendations on training needs analysis (TNA), assessment results, and capacity building for banks and non-bank financial institutions; and

b.   Gap assessment of sustainability reporting of NBS investments by PLCs and non-PLCs as inputs to development of road map.


15 September 2023

4.     Final Report, consolidating status and recommendation on implementation strategy for all Project components.


15 November 2023


65 days





E.        Institutional Arrangements


Technical supervision shall be provided by the Climate Action Team Leader, UNDP and the AGCF Project Manager. Specialists from the Country Office, Bangkok Regional Hub and Headquarters as well as counterparts from key NGA partners shall also provide technical inputs on the submitted outputs by the consultant as appropriate.


The Consultant is expected to provide his/her own laptop for the work requirement. S/he will be provided with desk space and access to office facilities and equipment. S/he will also be supported by UNDP staff for administrative and logistic requirements, as necessary.


The Consultant shall consider at least ten working days lead time for UNDP to review outputs, give comments, certify approval/acceptance of outputs, etc. from the Project Manager and the Climate Action Programme Team Leader.


F.        Duration of Work


It is estimated that the work shall involve a total of 65 person days of effort: over a period of 6 months, commencing on 01 June 2023 and ending on 30 November 2023.


G.       Duty Station


Home-based with meetings within Metro Manila.


H.       Qualifications of the Successful Individual Contractor


The Offers received will be evaluated using a combined scoring method - where technical proposal will be weighted 70 points and combined with the price offer which will be weighted 30 points. 


The CV will be reviewed using the criteria in the table below. Only offerors who will obtain a minimum of 70% or 70 out of 100 obtainable points will be shortlisted and considered for evaluation of financial proposal.




Points Obtainable

(100 points)



·       Advanced Degree in economics, business, or climate finance related files


(21 points if relevant Master's Degree, 30 points if relevant Doctoral Degree)

30 points



·       At least 5 years of working experience on climate finance, climate change policy, environmental research (with focus on nature-based solutions), programming, and working with the private sector, finance institutions, and agencies involved in climate change/finance


(35 points if 5 years, additional 5 points per year for succeeding years)


50 points

Sample Work


·       Submission of at least two qualified sample written work in climate change, climate policy, investments planning, and project development, and/or other relevant work


(14 points for 2 qualified sample work, additional 3 points for additional

Documents :

Negotiation Document(s) (Before Accessing other negotiations Document(s), please click on this link)