Call for Proposals for Grant Competition on Flagship Public Sector Innovation Programme

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00122702 - NAPA - Civil Servants in 21st Century


Project budget template
Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers II
Questions and Answers III
PPM_Project Management_Standard Grant Agreement (Low Value Grant) for Non-Credit Related Activities
Questions and Answers IV
Extension of Deadline for Submission of Applications


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), within the “Civil Service Training for the 21st Century in the Republic of Serbia” Project, opens Call for Proposals for Grant Competition on Flagship Public Sector Innovation Programme intended for academic institutions – universities (local or international) which are not funded by governments (state owned institutions) and civil society organizations, think-tanks (local or international).

The objective of the UNDP Call for Proposals is development and implementation of a flagship program in order to build better understanding and strengthen skills among a group of senior civil servants relating to the design and implementation of innovations in public administration.

The learning outcomes of the proposed flagship programme should be built around the following demonstratable learning outcomes, namely that, trainees will be able to:

• Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of innovation in public administration;

• Demonstrate familiarity with a wider set of governance and regulatory approaches and techniques that can be used to complement or enhance current governance approaches that are in place in Serbia in efforts to bring the state administration closer to the ideals of modern and functional civil service/public administration;

• Identify where innovation could be implemented in their own organisation and/or policy;

• Improve their own culture of innovation and develop a stronger personal inclination towards forward-looking and problem-solving thinking looking for innovative solutions;

• Based on the framework and knowledge learned in the flagship programme, propose a set of specific innovations that could be implemented in their own organisation/sector, in the broader policy field or in other parts and levels of the Serbian public administration;

• Evaluate the prospects for successful implementation of the proposed innovation(s), anticipate their success and failure factors and suggest how these could be managed.

Applications should be sent electronically to the following e-mail address: by 27 March 2023 at 23.59 CET.

For the additional questions regarding the application procedure, potential applicants can refer to the e-mail address

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Deadline for submission of the applications is extended. Applications should be sent electronically to the following e-mail address: by 03 April 2023 at 23.59 CET.