CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Youth as agents of Community Development


Application form
CALL for proposals


CALL FOR PROPOSALS The United Nations Development Programme are pleased to announce the launch of the Youth Social Entrepreneurship Support Programme: Youth as agents of Community Development which makes available funding to support partnerships between CSOs working with youth, local self-governments and the private sector for creation of social enterprises aimed at successful delivery of social services through engagement of youth at community level. The YSE Support Programme will focus on ideas aimed at finding innovative approaches for improving the situation of youth at community level, through their engagement in provision of social services and creating youth employment opportunities. Proposed ideas need to constitute models for partnership with local self-governments and the private sector. The YSE Support Programme will award between US$ 6,000 and up to US$ 15,000 at the maximum to prospective proposals. The overall budget can be higher if funds are available from other sources. Applicants are expected to secure at least 20 % of the overall budget through sources from their partners. Activities have to be carried out within six months starting from September 2013 and end no later than March 2014. The call for the YSE Support Programme is open to registered civil society organizations. Local self-governments, the private sector and other institutions can apply as partner organizations to a leading CSO applicant. A consultation meeting will be organized on Thursday, July 18th at 12:00 at UNDP country office premises for interested organizations and will be used for transferring additional knowledge and clarification of potential queries of applicants. The application form should be completed in English. Proof of partnership with institutions and private sector can be submitted in local language. Applications must be submitted in a sealed envelope by registered mail, private courier service or by hand delivery (a signed and dated certificate of receipt will be given to the deliverer) at the address below: Youth as agents of Community Development United Nations Development Programme 8-ma Udarna brigada 2, 1000 Skopje Deadline for delivery of the Applications: The deadline for receipt of Applications is 12th August, 2013 at 16:00 hour local time. Applications received after the deadline will not be eligible for consideration. For more details about the call for proposals please use the provided guidelines and application form. CLARIFICATION: The minimum 20% in-cash contribution can come also from CSOs own resources