development of chapter “Energy” to KazGBC standard on green construction for residential multiapartment buildings.

Link to Atlas Project

Non-UNDP Project




The United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Kazakhstan (UNDP) in the frames of Project “Energy efficiency design and construction of residential buildings”  is repeatedly announcing  a competitive bidding for development of chapter “Energy” to KazGBC standard on green construction for residential multiapartment buildings.
Detailed information is given in the attached Request for Proposals and Terms of References.

Instructions: proposals should be submitted in sealed envelopes to the following address: 26 Bokeikhan str., Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan addressed to Yerzhan Temirgaliyev, Procurement Associate not later than 17:00 hours 3 July 2015.

For any questions on this tender please contact the Yerzhan Temirgaliyev, Procurement Associate by tel.: 8 (7172) 696500, or e-mail

Proposals should be duly signed and stamped.  Late quotations will be disqualified automatically.