Facilitation of Training on Ethics, Integrity and Anti-corruption

Link to Atlas Project

00071185 - Strengthening Democratic Governance


Confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal


The UNDP has been working with the province of KwaZulu-Natal in a partnership to provide technical support in order to improve the skills profile of the public service in KwaZulu-Natal, at both provincial and local government levels. This is also in line with the Provincial Growth and Development Plan (PGDP). One area of intervention under Strategic Objective 6.2: Build Government Capacity, is: Develop an Integrated Public Sector HRD and Professional Support Programme. The key performance area for the Academy is to continually develop human resource capabilities and competencies to improve the performance of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Administration. One of the numerous priorities set for the Academy is the development and delivery of courses and programmes aimed at developing the capability of the human resources and creation of an efficient and effective administration.  The Academy is accredited by the Public Sector Education and Training Authority (PSETA), as a delivery and assessment site. This means that the Academy meets the quality criteria set out by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and the relevant SETA, viz. the PSETA.  In the period 2015 the UNDP is providing the academy technical support to realise its objectives of which are:

To develop training material/curriculum on selected areas to enhance the capacity of the KZN Public Service Training Academy to improve the public sector

To expand provincial public sector senior management knowledge base on selected and relevant public administration topics; and

To develop an Integrated Human Resource Development Strategy and Professional support programme that is aligned to the National Development Plan and the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS).

The purpose of this short–term consultancy is to develop training material/curriculum and facilitate two training of trainers sessions on Ethics, Integrity, Anti-Fraud and anti- Corruption for 40 Senior Managers in November 2015, and produce a comprehensive report for the Academy on how to rollout out the capacity building in this area. It is expected that that after the training the provincial and local government officials will be trained and exposed on upholding ethics, managing integrity and promoting accountability in their day to day functions, both at individual and organizational levels. The capacity building material will be for future use by the Academy.