01 National Legal Consultant on Policy Impact Assessment for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement and the (Intended) Nationally Determined Contributions ((I)NDC)

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00082385 - National Climate Change Strategy


Financial Offer template
Procurement Notice


UNDP seeks 01 National Legal Consultant on Policy Impact Assessment for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement and the (Intended) Nationally Determined Contributions ((I)NDC)

The objective of the assignment is to carry out a policy impacts assessment of the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the (I)NDC. The implementation of the Paris Agreement is in effect the implementation of the Viet Nam (I)NDC which cover all aspects of mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation.

The consultancy is expected to be 20 working days between August and October 2016. More details can be found in the attached solicitation document.

The selection will be based on competitive basis and will comply with UNDP procurement regulations.

Interested and qualified candidates are invited to send technical and financial proposals following guidance in the Procurement Notice to:

Ms. Huynh Huong Thanh

at huynh.huong.thanh@undp.org

Procurement Unit, UNDP Viet Nam

Submission deadline: 11 September 2016 (Hanoi time).

Bidders are requested to send notification by email (without attachment) to: procurement.vn@undp.org informing that they have submitted proposals. UNDP will not be responsible for the missing of proposal if the bidder does not send notification email to the above address.