RFQ 07-2017 - Rehabilitation of Mavrovica Dam, II phase

Link to Atlas Project

00092983 - EU Recovery Programme (Water Infrastructure)


BoQ 07/2016
1.1 Pregledna_situacija
1.3 Situacija na kaskaden brzotek
1.5.1 Nadolzen profil na kaskaden brzotek
1.7 Poprecni profili na kaskaden brzotek
1.8 Poprecni profili na kaskaden brzotek
1.10 Poprecni profili na kaskaden brzotek
Model Contract for Civil Works
RFQ 07-2017 - Rehabilitation of Mavrovica Dam, II phase
technical specification


Request for Quotation 07/2017

Објава на оглас за градежни работи:

Рехабилитација на браната Мавровица

Rehabilitation of Mavrovica Dam, II phase

EU Flood Recovery Programme – Improvement of Flood Prevention and Mitigation Response in Affected Areas hereby invites  construction companies to submit offers in MKD, VAT exempted in a sealed envelope not later than 24 April 2017 by 10:00 a.m. at the address of UNDP.

The BoQ, Technical Specifications, together with supporting documents are attached for reference.

Interested Applicants may obtain further information or request clarifications in writing to procurement.mk@undp.org