ITB for Training Uniforms

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00102129 - Strengthening the Rule of Law in LBR: Justice & Sector


ITB for Training Uniforms


Dear  Bidders:

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to submit a Bid to this Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the above-referenced subject. 

This ITB includes the following documents:  Section 1 – This Letter of Invitation
Section 2 – Instructions to Bidders (including Data Sheet)
Section 3 – Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications
Section 4 – Bid Submission Form
Section 5 – Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Qualifications of the Bidder
Section 6 – Technical Bid Form
Section 7 – Price Schedule Form
Section 8 –General Terms and Conditions for goods
Section 9 - Sustainable Procurement Criteria

        Your offer, comprising of a Technical Bid and Price Schedule, in separate sealed envelopes, should be
submitted in accordance with Section 2.

You are kindly requested to submit an acknowledgment letter to UNDP to the following address:

United Nations Development Programme 
Registry 7th Floor, Pan African Plaza Building, 2nd Street, Monrovia, Liberia
Attention: Head of Procurement UNDP, Liberia and marked: ITB/ROL/2017/005
The letter should be received by UNDP no later than Wednesday 14 June 2017, the same letter should advise whether your company intends to submit a Bid. If that is not the case, UNDP would appreciate your indicating the reason, for our records.   

                         If you have received this ITB through a direct invitation by UNDP, transferring this invitation to another firm
                 requires notifying UNDP accordingly. 

                    Should you require any clarification, kindly communicate with the contact Email identified in the attached Data
             Sheet for queries on this ITB. 

             UNDP looks forward to receiving your Bid and thanks you in advance for your interest in UNDP procurement