- Mozambique is a Least Developed Country in Southern Africa. Its economic growth, driven mainly by primary commodities’ exports, such as, aluminum, coal and electricity, declined to 4.3% in 2016 due to continued fiscal tightening, investment slowdown, and the debt crisis.? In 2017, extractive sector’s exports are, however, expected to increase and drive growth back up to 5.5%. The country’s hopes are relying strongly in the gas discovery and exploitation, as the medium-term source for employment and national revenues. The Government foresees investments in the extractive sector as the catalyst for industrialization and diversification of economy that will lead the country to middle-income status, by 2053.
- The UNDP Human Development Report 2016 ranks Mozambique as a low human development country (181/188 countries), with a Human Development Index of 0.418, a life expectancy of 55.5 years, 9.1 expected years of schooling, 3.5 mean years of schooling and a gross national income per-capita of US$ 1,098.?
- The country has made important progress in different areas of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However significant challenges remain. The latest national poverty assessment, released in October 2016, finds that in 2014/2015, 46.1% of the population was still living below the poverty line, with asymmetries at the regional and provincial level. Notwithstanding a 5.6% reduction in poverty incidence from the previous poverty assessment, in absolute terms the number of poor people in Mozambique has remained relatively unchanged. Therefore, close to 13 million of Mozambicans, almost half of the population, are still poor. High levels of poverty are compounded with high inequality. The country´s Gini Coefficient was 0.47, in 2008. In 2015, Mozambique ranked 139th, out of 188 countries, in the Gender Inequality Index (0.574), with high levels of maternal mortality (489 deaths per 100,000 live births). Women’s share in parliament was 39.6% in 2015, and their labor force participation rate stands at 82.5% for ages 15 and older.
UNDP in Mozambique - Mozambique is a pilot country for the ‘UN delivering-as-one’ initiative, and, since 2000, UNDP has worked with other United Nations members of the UN Country Team, to support the Government of Mozambique’s (GoM) efforts on MDGs mainstreaming, implementation and reporting.
- During the last UNDP Country Programme cycle, the Project “Research and Capacity Building for MDGs” (2012-2016) has been the primary instrument for the implementation of the GoM’s commitments to various international agendas such as the launch of the Global UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA), the African Union Agenda 2063, as well as for its participation in development aid coordination, namely the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation.?
- In 2015 and 2016, the UNDP Country Office (CO) identified a number of key activities under the above mentioned MDG project in order to initiate policy dialogue and priority upstream work regarding preparatory activities for the adoption and mainstreaming of the SDG Agenda into national development planning. During the same period, UNDP contributed to the elaboration and approval of the UNDAF 2017-2020 and, simultaneously, formulated the UNDP Country Programme Document (CPD) 2017-2020 which was approved by the Executive Board in September 2016. Both UNDAF and UNDP CPD are aligned to the SDGs and the Government Five Years’ Plan (PQG) and aim at promoting full national ownership of the SDGs through mainstreaming and policy coherence.
- Based on discussions with the GoM, UNDP and the UN System are expected to play a crucial role in strengthening the policy, advisory, communication, advocacy, partnership, monitoring, reporting and evaluation instruments and mechanisms related to the SDGs. Within this framework, UNDP also agreed with the GoM to continue its financial and technical support in the SDG area throughout 2017 while preparing the UNDP multi-year project document that will incorporate UNDP interventions planned in the CPD 2017-2020 cycle.
- In consultation with UNDP Regional Service Center for Africa, the CO decided to formulate an Initiation Plan to ensure continuity of UNDP support to GoM in 2017 and allow to conduct relevant preparatory and strategic activities leading to the formulation and approval of the multi-year project document that will frame UNDP support to the GoM and national stakeholders involved in the SDG Agenda until 2020.
- In this context, the UNDP CO is looking for a well-qualified and experienced individual consultant (IC). The SDGs Consultant will work under the direct supervision and guidance of the UNDP Mozambique Country Director and will support the CO to effectively manage and implement the actions/activities of the Initiation Plan and provide relevant strategic advice to the CO in the SDG Agenda area. The IC is expected to strengthen the UNDP support to the United Nations Country Team. The overall objective of the IC will be to assist the country to progress in the SDGs Agenda to ensure it delivers sustainable development outcomes, , for the wellbeing of the Mozambican.
Duties and Responsibilities - Under the direct supervision and guidance of the UNDP Mozambique Country Director, and in close cooperation with the UNDP CO Programme colleagues, the SDGs Consultant will work with the main stakeholders involved in the SDG Agenda in Mozambique to take forward the following duties and responsibilities:
- Provide technical support to the management of the UNDP interventions related to the SDGs as per the UNDP Country Programme Document 2017-2020 and to the implementation of the activities planned in the Initiation Plan, including the design of a multi-year project document framing UNDP support to the country’s aefforts in the SDG Agenda to ensure higher development impact in Mozambique.
- Provide high quality support and advice to the UNDP CO advocacy and engagement interventions on the SDG Agenda targeting different stakeholders and representing UNDP in technical debates, donor tables, national and international forums around the SDGs and other related issues.
- Provide high quality strategic support to the UNDP CO to inform public policy making and promote the GoM appropriation of the SDGs ensuring UNDP Mozambique positioning in the national and regional context as a thought leader on the SDG Agenda.
- Provide quality substantive inputs and technical advice to promote the implementation of UNDG corporate approaches to the SDG Agenda in Mozambique, including in terms of SDGs mainstreaming into the Mozambique National Development Strategy 2015-2035, into the National and Sub-National Plans and Budgets and supporting the identification of the key programs and projects that can trigger SDGs acceleration.
- Technical support to SDGs monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
- Provide strategic advice to the CO and the GoM on potential innovative financing options/strategies for the SDGs.
- Provide substantive technical analysis and advice in the socioeconomic area.
| Application Submission Process The application submission is in 2 steps: Step 1: Interested individual consultants must include the following documents when submitting the applications in UNDP job shop (Please note that only 1 (one) file can be uploaded therefore please include all docs in one file): Step 2: Submission of Financial Proposal - Applicants are instructed to submit their financial proposals, a lump sum, in US Dollars for this consultancy to procurement.mozambique@undp.org using the financial proposal template available here: http://procurement-notices.undp.org/view_file.cfm?doc_id=39121. The proposals should be sent via email with the following subject heading: “SDGs Consultant/Consultancy Services" by the deadline for this vacancy. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal should be all-inclusive and include a breakdown. The term ‘all-inclusive” implies that all costs (professional fees, travel related expenses, communications, utilities, consumables, insurance, visa, cost of living in duty station, etc.) that could possibly be incurred by the Consultant are already factored into the financial proposal.
Application Evaluation Process - Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the cumulative analysis methodology (weighted scoring method), where the award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
- Responsive/compliant/acceptable and
- Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
- SDGs Consultant Profile weight: [70%].
- Financial Criteria weight: [30%]
- Only Individual Consultants obtaining a minimum of 49 points out of 70, on the Consultant Profile Evaluation would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
Financial Criteria - The following formula will be used to evaluate financial proposal:
- p = y (µ/z), where
- p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated;
- y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal;
- µ = price of the lowest priced proposal;
- z = price of the proposal being evaluated.
- UNDP is applying fair and transparent selection process that would take into account both the technical qualification of Individual Consultants as well as their price proposals. The contract will be awarded to the candidate obtaining the highest combined technical and financial scores.
- UNDP retains the right to contact references directly.
The complete TORs can be found here. |
Core Values and Guiding Principles: - Integrity: Demonstrating consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UNDP in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.
- Cultural Sensitivity/Valuing diversity: Demonstrating an appreciation of the multicultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff. Demonstrating an international outlook, appreciating differences in values and learning from cultural diversity.
Corporate Competencies: - Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN's values and ethical standards;
- Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP and the UN;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Treats all people fairly without favouritism.
Personal Competencies: - Strong oral and written communication skills in English;
- Excellent organizational, time management and strong interpersonal skills;
- Ability to take initiative, work independently, work under pressure and meet tight deadlines
- Ability to gather information quickly, and prepare in various written formats;
- Strategic thinking and analytical skills;
- Good interpersonal skills and ability to work as a part of a team, sharing information and coordinating efforts within the team
- Tactful and responsible.