Prequalification for Clean-up of Nubarashen Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) and Obsolete Pesticides (OP) burial site and disposal of the waste (Yerevan, Armenia)
Procurement Process
EOI - Expression of interest
UNDP Country Office - ARMENIA
Published on
Reference Number
EOI 023/18 Prequalification for Clean-up of Nubarashen Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) and Obsolete Pesticides (OP) burial site and disposal of the waste (Yerevan, Armenia)Submission forms EOI 023/18
Dear Sir/Madam,
UNDP Armenia office invites interested companies to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for the first-stage prequalification and participation in the assignment for Clean-up of Nubarashen POP and OPs burial site and disposal of the waste, implemented within the scope of the “Elimination of obsolete pesticide stockpiles and addressing POPs contaminated sites within a sound chemicals management framework in Armenia” (link to the Project Document:,%202015.pdf UNDP-GEF full-sized project in Armenia.
The specific objective of this assignment is to:
1) Excavate, pack, export and dispose in an environmentally sound manner - through destruction in a licensed/certified high temperature incineration plant, the POPs and other OP (Category 1 waste) from the Nubarashen burial site, followed by site interim stabilization and restoration;
2) Implement solutions for the treatment/containment of the Category 2/4 soil/material (high contaminated soil and residues of construction materials) and backfilling of Category 3 soil (low contaminated) present at the site; and final stabilization, recapping, restoration and closure of the site.
The services/works under this assignment are expected to be provided between early 2019 and end-late 2020.
The EOI and accompanying documents as listed below, must be sent to with subject: RFP 023/18 - Prequalification for Clean-up of Nubarashen OPs and POPs burial site and disposal of the waste (Yerevan, Armenia) no later than, 11 October 2018 16:00 local Armenian time (GMT+4). EOI received after the above deadline will not be considered.
Procurement Unit
UNDP Armenia