Chief Technical Advisor for the UNDP/ GCF ‘Accelerating the Transformational Shift to a Low Carbon Economy in the Republic of Mauritius – Component 1’ project

Link to Atlas Project

00105006 - GCF - Accelerating Low Carbon


Annex A - Approved ToR CTA
Annex B - PSU_ Individual Contract_Offerors Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability_CTA


Deadline Submission Extended until 23 November 2018

Overview :

IC - International Consultant - Chief Technical Advisor for the UNDP/ GCF ‘Accelerating the Transformational Shift to a Low Carbon Economy in the Republic of Mauritius – Component 1’ project.

Project Background

Project title:

GCF-funded UNDP-supported NIM-executed ‘Accelerating the Transformational Shift to a Low Carbon Economy in the Republic of Mauritius – Component 1’ project.

Project Description:

The Green Climate Fund (GCF), through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is providing financial support and expertise to assist the Government of Mauritius in achieving their targets set in the Long-Term Energy Strategy and to empower the two entities, namely the Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA) and the Utility Regulatory Authority (URA) for the development and regulation of RE respectively in Mauritius. In this context, the project – Accelerating the transformational shift to a low-carbon economy in the Republic of Mauritius -  is being implemented at national level and is financed under the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The project is being implemented in 3 components whereby Component 1 is focused on the institutional strengthening of MARENA and URA in order to equip them accordingly for their respective mandates. Component 2 is the improvement of grid absorption capacity by PV deployment and finally Component 3 is the installation of PV mini-grids on the Outer Island of Agalega.

The MARENA has been set up in 2015 as per the Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency Act 2015 and has for main objective the promotion of the adoption and use of renewable energy in Mauritius. It will also serve as a one-stop shop for independent power producers (IPPs) to implement RE projects like solar and wind farms in Mauritius.

The Utility Regulatory Authority (URA) has been set up in 2016 in accordance with the Utility Regulatory Authority Act 2004 to regulate utility services, namely electricity, water and wastewater in Mauritius. The objectives of the URA are to:

  • ensure the sustainability and viability of utility services;
  • protect the interests of both existing and future customers;
  • promote efficiency in both operations and capital investments in respect of utility services;
  • promote competition to prevent unfair and anti-competitive practices in the utility services industry.

The Project is being implemented under the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities (MEPU) with the objective of providing the necessary assistance to develop a fit-for-purpose legal and regulatory framework to allow the ambitious scale-up of RE in Mauritius.

The Chief Technical Advisor will be providing technical guidance and support to the MARENA team and the joint consultancy services (see section current status in Scope of works) in accomplishing their tasks successfully in the timeframe provided.

Scope of Work

The Chief Technical Adviser (CTA) will be responsible for technical quality control of project deliverables/outputs as well as provide support through advisory and capacity building services.

For the “Accelerating the transformational shift to a low-carbon economy in the Republic of Mauritius” project, the CTA will have the following objectives:

  1. Assist MARENA in the completion of the activities under the 5-year Renewable Energy Strategic Plan (RESP)already developed by MARENA;
  2. Provide technical inputs and develop effective strategies, including capacity building, for the operationalisation of MARENA and URA;
  3. Assist the consultants of the joint consultancy services in the successful completion of the activities within their scope of works (see section C.1);
  4. Prepare/review Terms of Reference for the studies/activities earmarked by MARENA and URA;
  5. Build capacities and provide technical support to stakeholders like the MEPU, URA and CEB for the development and promotion of RETs in Mauritius;
  6. Develop knowledge and information management strategies, communication and marketing strategies and monitor the impacts of the strategies put in place.

MARENA has already developed a Renewable Energy Strategic Plan (RESP) with an accompanying Implementation Plan, which details the strategic goals that Mauritius wants to achieve in the coming 5 years in terms of RE development. 

The 8 strategic goals that have been developed within the RESP are:

  1. Increasing On-Grid RE Technologies;
  2. Boosting Off-Grid RE Technologies (Electricity, Transport, Heating/Cooling)
  3. Smartening the Grid;
  4. Accelerating the Development of Sustainable Transportation;
  5. Research, Demonstration, Deployment and Capacity Building;
  6. Fostering a dynamic RE Economy;
  7. Strengthening International and Regional Linkages;
  8. Developing Coherent and Effective Communication Pathways.

These goals are broken down into sub-goals, activities and sub-activities with expected outcomes and KPIs, which need to be completed over a 5-year period.

Refer to Detailed TOR

Deadline for Submission: 15 November 2018 on the UNDP jobs on

Deadline for submission  is being extended until 23 November 2018