International Evaluator - Terminal Evaluation of “ Mainstreaming Rio Conventions into National Sectoral Policies Project”.

Link to Atlas Project

00085728 - Mainstream Rio Convention into 3 areas


procurement notice
Terms of reference
Letter of interest - financial template
Terms and conditions of Individual contract


To apply, kindly read the procurement notice, attach the following documents and submit through the following email: copying 

  1.  CV with at least three references;
  2. Applicant’s letter to UNDP/Confirmation of interest form;
  3. Technical proposal (to showcase requested experience and competencies); and
  4.  Financial proposal as in the attached template.

no later than 13 January 2019.

Among the capacity development priorities of Jordan identified by the National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA, 2007), is the lower level of prioritization given to address multilateral environmental agreement (MEA) issues and obligations due to inadequate awareness and understanding of the intrinsic values and contributions of the global environment to national socio-economic development.

The Ministry of Environment with fund and support from GEF-UNDP commenced the implementation of “Rio Conventions in the Development Sectors of Jordan” project that aim at mainstreaming Rio Convention provisions and principles into the national development policies and processes.

The project is expected to produce several important outcomes that enhance the value of the National Rangelands Strategy and the National Drought Management Plan through introducing the wise management principles and practices embedded in Rio conventions during the implementation of targeted strategies and plans.

Technical and financial proposals along with CV & 3 references should be submitted, and without such will not be considered). 

(Only Short Listed Candidates will be contacted)

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