International consultant - Terminal Evaluation
Procurement Process
IC - Individual contractor
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Reference Number
In accordance with UNDP and GEF M&E policies and procedures, all full and medium-sized UNDP support GEF financed projects are required to undergo a terminal evaluation upon completion of implementation. These terms of reference (TOR) sets out the expectations for a Terminal Evaluation (TE) of the project Technology transfer for climate resilient flood management in Vrbas River Basin (PIMS 5241), implemented by the UNDP Country Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The evaluation will be conducted by 1 international consultant (evaluator). The evaluator will take the overall responsibility for the quality and due submission of the final evaluation report. S/he will have prior experience in evaluating similar projects. Experience with GEF financed projects is an advantage Specifically, the international consultant will perform the following tasks:
- • Design detailed evaluation scope and methodology (including the methods for data collection and analysis);
- • Implement the evaluation mission;
- • Conduct an analysis of the results, outcomes and outputs;
- • Present preliminary TE findings to stakeholders;
- • Draft the evaluation report;
- • Finalize the evaluation report in English and submit it to UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The evaluator selected should not have participated in the project preparation and/or implementation and should not have conflict of interest with project related activities.
Interested individual Consultant must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
Proposal (outlining the specific design and methods for the evaluation):
Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work;
Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work:
- the methodology should present the Consultants approach, proposed detailed methods,
scope and evaluation criteria and questions;
- the methodology should apply a mixed-method approach collecting both quantitative and
qualitative data to validate and triangulate data;
- Completed and signed the Offeror’s template Confirming Interest and Availability;
- Latest personal CV, including past experience from similar projects, and email, telephone and any other contact details for references;
- Financial proposal (in USD) - which will separately specify professional fee, indicating number of anticipated working days, travel costs (air-ticket or use of private vehicle), living allowance, and all other applicable costs.
Please scan all above mentioned documents and upload as one attachment only online through this website.
** Consultant/Contractor whose assignment require travel and who are over 65 years of age are required, at their own expense, to undergo a full medical examination, including x-rays after they are selected.