RFQ-TKM-017-2019: Tender for certification of BSL cabinets in TB laboratories of Turkmenistan

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00109805 - Health procurement 2019-2020


Request for Quotation in English
Request for Quotation in Russian
Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers in Russian language


The UNDP Country Office in Turkmenistan announces a competitive tender for selection of service provider for certification of BSL cabinets in TB laboratories of Turkmenistan, and invites interested companies and individual contractors to participate (Reference # RFQ-TKM-017-2019).

To assist you in understanding of tender requirements, please, refer to attached Request for Quotation Form. 

Deadline for submission of quotations is 13 September 2019 until 18:00 (local time).

The information about this tender can be also found at UNDP CO website  http://www.tm.undp.org/ in Operations/Procurement Section or from UN Reception upon request at the following address: UN Building, Archabil Avenue, Bld. 21, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

Quotations should be submitted to the above address in a sealed envelope indicating the following subject “RFQ-TKM-017-2019“ or by email at following address ONLY: registry.tm@undp.org .