ITB - LAS Passive Network CLOSED EARLY

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Invitation to Bid - LAS Passive Network
Reference: ITB/UNDP/2019/001
Beneficiary country(ies): Egypt
Published on: 21 November 2019
Deadline on: 15 December 2019
Dear Sir / Madam:
We kindly request you to submit your Proposal for ITB Provision of Passive
Network ITB/UNDP/2019/001.
Proposals must be submitted on or before the deadline indicated by UNDP in the
e-Tendering system. Proposals must be submitted in the online e-Tendering
system in the following link: using your
username and password. If you have not registered in the system before, you can
register now by logging in using the below username and password and follow the
registration steps as specified in the system user guide.
Username: event.guest
Password: why2change
In case you forgot your password, please do not create a new profile but rather
use “forgotten password” function.
Please note:
1. It is strongly recommended to create your username with two parts, your
first name and last name separated by “.”, like the one shown above.
2. Once registered you will receive a valid password to the registered email
address which you can use for signing in and changing your password. You
can participate in the bid event only if you have registered in the system.
UNDP in Egypt | 1191 Corniche El Nil, World Trade Center, Boulac, Cairo, Egypt
How to find the event and tender documentation:
Once registered, bidders must insert under the field "Event ID" the following:
"EGY10" in the first box, and "0000004762” in the second box and click the
Search button.
Should the bidder have problems in finding the event, please consult the attached
manual for bidders for other details.
You are kindly requested to indicate whether your company intends to submit a
Proposal by clicking on “Accept Invitation”.
In the course of preparing and submitting your Proposal, it shall remain your
responsibility to ensure that it submitted into the system by the deadline. The
system will automatically block and not accept any bid after the deadline. Kindly
ensure that supporting documents required are signed and in the .pdf format,
and free from any virus or corrupted files.
Pre-proposal conference will be conducted on November 30 Time: 10:00 AM
Cairo Time
Venue: LAS HQ (1 Tahrir Squair, Downtown, Cairo, Egypt)
Do not hesitate to contact if you find any
issues using the e-tendering system. Please make sure to mention the tender
reference in the subject.
Note: It is important that interested bidders acknowledge receipt of this ITB by
using the “Accept Invitation” function in the e-Tendering system, where
applicable. This will be considered as registration to confirm attending the Prebid
Meeting / site survey. In addition to access the LAS HQ building for the site
survey, you will need to send the above email (with LAS site survey as Email
subject) a list of the company representatives including copy of their national ID /
Bidders are also strongly advised to go through additional materials on using e-
Tendering (i.e. videos, manual) posted here:
UNDP looks forward to receiving your Bid and thanks to you in advance for your
interest in UNDP procurement opportunities.
Sincerely yours,
Procurement Unit
United Nations Development Programme, Egypt.
Procurement Unit CO Egypt