IC 2020-06 North Consultant on monitoring - National

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00112168 - Effective HIV and TB control project in Kyrgyzstan


Terms of Reference (English)
Terms of Reference (Russian)
Financial Proposal Template


The Kyrgyz Republic is a country with a high burden of tuberculosis. One of the priorities in organizing TB care is the strengthening of primary health care to provide quality services for outpatients with tuberculosis.  Starting from the January 2011, upon the decision of Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and Global Fund to Fight AIDs, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GF), United Nations Development Programme in Kyrgyzstan has become the Principle Recipient (PR) of TB grant from the Global Fund.

Introduction of modern technologies for laboratory diagnostics of tuberculosis Xpert MTB/RIF, testing on Hain have created new challenges for the health care system and the need to ensure access and coverage.  Accelerated methods provide an opportunity for early initiation of treatment and the establishment of an uninterrupted supply of medicines to the health care organization. The objective of the GF project is to reduce HIV and TB burden in Kyrgyzstan through ensuring universal access to timely and quality TB diagnosis and treatment, implementing evidence based HIV preventive activities focused primarily on key affected populations, providing treatment, care and support to PLHIV, creating enabling environment and ensuring programs sustainability.

In July 2019, a transport system was introduced in Chui, Talas, Naryn, Issyk-Kul and Batken oblasts for the transportation of biological material from the district level to the oblast and national level, as well as the delivery of anti-tuberculosis drugs from the oblast level to the district level. For this purpose, a lot of work was done in the creation of the team, which included the National, oblast and district levels, consultants/trainers were hired, laboratory service specialists, primary health care nurses were trained, and responsible persons were appointed and approved for the implementation of the transport system at all levels.  In particular, UNDP included in the Agreement with OTBC oblast coordinators responsible for organization and monitoring of transportation of biological materials and anti-tuberculosis drugs at the OTBC level, hired a transport company and consultants/trainers. Training sessions were conducted with the PHC and OTBC officials, containers for biological material transportation were purchased and distributed, and basic analysis of TB patients was conducted. However, a number of problems remain: establishment of interaction systems between the tuberculosis service, the primary link and the transport company, qualitative monitoring and evaluation, adjustment of the transport system and elimination of arising problems during transportation.

In order to organize quality work of the transport system, it is necessary to hire consultants who will provide practical and technical assistance to the oblast TB centers in monitoring, evaluation and adjustment of the implemented system of transportation of biological materials from the district level to the oblast level and further, as well as delivery of anti-tuberculosis drugs from the oblast to the district level.

Please see more details on e-tendering: https://etendering.partneragencies.org/

Business Unit: KGZ10

Event ID: 2020-06

Guide for Bidders is available on https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/operations/procurement/business/procurement-notices/resources/

No hard copy or email submissions will be accepted by UNDP/

Detailed instructions on how to submit, modify or cancel a bid in the eTendering system are provided in the eTendering system Bidder User Guide and Instructional videos available on this link: http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/operations/procurement/business/procurement-notices/resources/

  • Details for submitting clarifications/questions: E-mail address: psm.kg@undp.org

Please note that when uploading files, the following restrictions and specifications must be followed:

  • File name can only contain 60 characters.
  • File name and description cannot contain special characters and letters from other alphabets. It should only contain letters from the English alphabet.
  • If you are uploading a large number of files (ex. 15 or more), please zip the files into a ZIP folder and upload the folder instead of each file individually. You can upload several ZIP folders, but if you do this, please note that the total size of each ZIP folder uploaded cannot exceed 50MB.

Please read the solicitation documents of the event carefully to ensure that you are meeting the event requirements for document submission. There may be restrictions on the size and format of the uploaded files. 

Documents to be included in the proposal:

  • Proposal: Resume/CV (including past experience in similar projects)
  • Signed confirmation of interest and submission of financial proposal form (the form is attached), - Annex 3, Financial Proposal Form
  • Copy of ID (passport)
  • Copy of Diploma and required certificates