IC 01-20 Architectural design for the reuse of 'Spanjola' Fortress

Link to Atlas Project

00114749 - Creative Montenegro


Open Public Compettion for Urbanistic Architectural Competition_14022020
3D model of fortress in dwg format
additional photos LINKS 17-03-20


Please note the deadline for submision of offers is extended to 10th April 2020

Innovation challenge: Architectural design for the reuse of Španjola Fortress
International competition: Architectural-urbanistic solution for the cultural heritage site in Herceg Novi

We invite architects, architectural associations, institutions and companies to submit ideas and contemporary solutions for repurposing of the Fortress Španjola in Herceg Novi, Montenegro.  If you are experienced in project design, protection, conservation and reconstruction of cultural heritage – this is an opportunity for you! The fortress will become an international creative hub, aiming to attract world-wide visibility. Your concept should be aligned with this purpose, with an aim to captivate attention of tourists and local citizens, alike.
This innovation challenge is carried out within the Creative Montenegro project.
Deadline for submission of competition entries is 10th of April 2020, until midnight. 
Results of the competition will be published on UNDP website on 23th of April 2020.

Who can apply: Individuals, association, research institutions, NGOs and private companies are eligible to participate in the competition if dealing with architectural, urbanism or cultural heritage protection and reconstruction projects, and are active in the field of contemporary creativity.
All participants who meet the requirements of the competition will participate in the main prize fund. 

Evaluation process and criteria: The selection committee will be composed of two representatives of UNDP, one representative from the Ministry of Culture, one representative of the Municipality of Herceg Novi and one international expert dealing with architectural and/or urban planning design and cultural heritage protection and rehabilitation.  

Criteria for evaluation of works:
Originality and innovative solution of the project design...........................................0 to 30 points
Protection of the visual identity and fulfillment of programmatic requirements.......0 to 25 points
Creative hub designed as driver for achieving the SDGs ............................................0 to 25 points
Rationality and cost-effectiveness of the solution .....................................................0 to 20 points


UNDP Montenegro, Stanka Dragojevica bb, 81000 Podgorica; Requests for clarifications can be sent by email to: procurement.me@undp.org