Assistant Community Liaison Officer - Western Province
Procurement Process
IC - Individual contractor
Solomon Islands - SOLOMON ISLANDS
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In support of the recently launched National Youth Policy, UNDP and ILO have jointly developed a new project that will empower marginalized young Solomon Islanders, particularly young women, both to engage in decision-making and as pro-active social entrepreneurs to address local sources of grievances. The project aims to work with young Solomon Islanders in Weather Coast, North Malaita, Shortland border communities and 3 settlements in Honiara.
The implementing partners of the project are UNDP; ILO; Ministry of Traditional Governance, Peace, and Ecclesiastical Affairs (MTGPEA); Ministry of Women, Youth, Children, and Family Affairs (MWYCFA); Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry/Young Entrepreneurs’ Council; Solomon Islands Women in Business Association; and World Vision.
Working with youth has always been a focus of the UN’s peacebuilding work in the country. UNDP has worked closely with the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs to facilitate the country’s first ever Youth Dialogue, as well as the development of the National Youth Policy. This has involved thorough analysis of the challenges and constraints facing youth, and detailed consultations with young people from across the Solomon Islands, summarized in the 2018 Solomon Islands Youth Status Report, supported by the ongoing peacebuilding project of UNDP/UN Women.
This position is considered key for the timely and efficient implementation of project activities. The project will require substantial contact with rural communities in Weather Coast, North Malaita, Shortland Islands and settlements in Honiara. The incumbent will be the key contact for the community youths, village and church leaders.
The Assistant Community Liaison Officer will report to the Project Manager and will work closely with the key stakeholders as identified above.