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00080732 - Slovak Partnership00111827 - UNDP-Slovakia Partnership for Effective DevCoop for SDGs
Innovation Challenge
The UNDP-Slovakia Partnership: Effective Development Cooperation Solutions aims to respond to the development challenges by transferring Slovak expertise and innovative solutions for SDGs to partner countries.
The objective of the Slovak Challenge Fund is to facilitate the transfer of Slovak know-how and innovative solutions that would address development challenges identified by UNDP Country Offices in North Macedonia or the Republic of Moldova, and contribute to the achievement of SDGs.
The eligible applicants include Slovak private sector entities. The applicants are required to engage local partners to assure viability in local conditions, and to promote sustainability and scalability of the solution.
All of the call background, criteria for selection and evaluation details can be found in the call for proposals and its attachments.
Locality: North Macedonia or the Republic of Moldova
Development Challenges:
Expected contract start date: April/May 2020
Expected contract length: up to 12 months
Estimated prize: Ranging between US$20,000 and US$40,000, the applicants provide co-funding of at least 20% of the total cost of the project.
The applicants must submit their proposals using the application form in Annex 2 and 3.
The application should be sent to by Tuesday 14 April, 2020, Central European Time (CET), 4:00 pm.