SME Development Expert

Link to Atlas Project

00112604 - Young Social Entrepreneurship


IC Procurement Notice SME Development Expert
Individual Consultant General Terms and Conditions


Consultancy Title: SME Development Expert

Project name: Entrepreneurship Platform

Description of the assignment: Substantive and operational management of the country Youth Entrepreneurship Platform and its business incubators/accelerators.

Duty station: Sao Tome, Sao Tome and Principe

Period of assignment/services (if applicable): 12 months

Proposal should be submitted by email  to no later than 15 mars 2020 at 22h00 GMT

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the address or e-mail indicated above. The procuring UNDP entity will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.


The selected IC will contribute mainly to the implementation and effective management of the platform as well as of the 4 business incubators/accelerators, while delivery some of the identified business services and training.

The previous projects on youth entrepreneurship showed high levels of interest and 30 local mentors were successfully trained to support the beneficiaries of that project. By building on this, the incubators/accelerator will develop a more professional framework for business development for young entrepreneurs and start-ups whilst continuing in enhancing the capacities of these mentors.

The IC has the responsibility of managing  the platform, whose online version will be developed by a private company, and the day-to-day functioning of the incubators, maintaining and enlarging the network among the private business’, banks, stakeholders and government entities, donors, etc., delivery of the training and business services as required.  

While working closely and under the leadership of the Lead IC, the SME Development Expert is expected to report to the project manager and ultimately to the UNDP resident representative, if required.

Given the evolving nature of this pivotal work that is characterized by a degree of innovation and testing, it is expected that the SME development expert to be flexible, positive and open minded and with a demonstrated capability of collaborating closely within teams and capacity to adjust to a new and evolving context thus maximizing her/his capacity in those areas of interventions in which the IC can contribute the most to the project objectives. 

Specific tasks include:

  • Contribute to the management and substantive support to the Youth Entrepreneurship platform
  • Work closely with communities in addressing identified problems/challenges
  • Contribute to advocacy and outreach for partnerships, resources mobilization and diaspora engagement
  • Ensure the operational support of the business incubators/accelerators
  • Mentoring and training of youth entrepreneurs 
  • Empowering of the existing teams of local mentors including by enhancing their capacities
  • Contributing to the design and establishment of rigorous and transparent protocols/criteria and selection governance for selecting project beneficiaries and grants allocation
  • Support youth in developing business plans and bankable projects, design and implement training curriculum and activities, and assist beneficiaries during the implementation phase, including monitoring through further business advisory services to enhance the chance of success.
  • Advice youth in terms of innovative approaches, including in terms of financing and marketing.
  • Support existing businesses with market research, reviews of existing business plans and organizational design.
  • Manage knowledge building and knowledge sharing.
  • Contribute to the operationalization and functioning of the platform.
  • Structure business plan problems and forecast operation outcomes.
  • Facilitate links between starting entrepreneurs and existing businesses.
  • Provide guidance and advice to clients/beneficiaries for the mobilization of additional funds, including by leveraging the grants, and/or partnerships with other relevant actors.
  • Engage professional relationships with relevant private sector representations, women and youth associations, national and international partner agencies, relevant developing programs/projects.
  • Contribute to the preparation of regular reports on key project activities as requested.
  • Regularly maintain a database of all the projects and initiatives

Main Deliverables/Results;

  • The Entrepreneurship Platform is operational with clear protocols and procedures and with most of the key stakeholders participating
  • 4 incubators are effectively managed in their daily functioning utilizing standard procedures and protocols
  • Training courses planned for youth entrepreneurs’ beneficiaries of this project delivered
  • Contributed to the development of at least XX business plans
  • Contributed to coaching of mentors
  • Partnership with financial institutions for youth micro-small businesses investment established
  • A diaspora database with key information of potential diaspora investors and/or partners is created and operationally managed
  • Contributed to the organization of a number of youth events on innovation
  • Contributed to the selection of the beneficiary entrepreneurs for the incubators.
  • Contributed to the selection of the beneficiaries of the grants (for starts up) and matching grants (for existing businesses).
  • Contributed to the identification of innovative business opportunities.
  • A database and tracking system of all projects financed is regularly managed and updated
  • Contributed to the preparation of monthly updates/short reports plus an annual report.

Ultimately the capacity of communities to respond to economic and environmental shocks will be strengthened while increasing the engagement of São Tome and Principe diaspora into the country sustainable development.