RFP Enhancing the structural integrity of dormitory buildings in Jordan's garment sector

Link to Atlas Project

Non-UNDP Project


RFP Document
Dorms ToR


Dear Sir/Madam,

The International Labour Office (hereinafter the "ILO") is pleased to invite your company to submit a Proposal for Enhancing the structural integrity of dormitory buildings in Jordan's garment sector and as further described in Annex III.

To enable you to prepare and submit a Proposal, please find enclosed the following Annexes:

- Annex I: Instructions to Bidders;

- Annex II-A: Acknowledgment of Receipt;

- Annex II-B: Bidder’s Declaration Form;

- Annex II-C: Bidder’s Information Form;

- Annex II-D: Recent References;

- Annex II-E: Technical Proposal;

- Annex II-F: Financial Offer;

- Annex III: Terms of Reference; and

- Annex IV: Terms and Conditions applicable to ILO Contracts.

Your Proposal must be received by the ILO no later than 23:00 GMT+2 on 24/03/2020 11:00 PM. Late bids shall be rejected.