Media Production Specialist

Link to Atlas Project

00124315 - Vanuatu VCAP2 PPG


Terms of Reference
Annex 2 Confirmation of Interest
Conditions of Contract


Terms of Reference

Ref: PN/FJI/050/20


Consultancy Title: Media Production Specialist

Project Name: VCAP 2 PPG

Duty Station: Vanuatu

Type of Consultancy: National Consultancy

Duration of the Contract:

This consultancy will be for 45 working days commencing in May - December 2020. The consultant will be expected to travel out to the outer islands of Port Villa for 27 days.


Consultancy Proposal (CV & Financial proposal Template ) should be uploaded on UNDP Jobshop website ( no later than, 18 May 2020 (Fiji Time) clearly stating the title of consultancy applied for. Any proposals received after this date/time will not be accepted. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to UNDP will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants. Incomplete, late and joint proposals will not be considered and only offers for which there is further interest will be contacted. Failure to submit your application as stated as per the application submission guide (Procurement Notice) on the above link will be considered incomplete and therefore application will not be considered.


Proposals must be sent through UNDP job shop web page. Candidates need to upload their CV and financial proposal -using UNDP template

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

If the selected/successful Candidate is over 65 years of age and required to travel outside his home country; He/She will be required provide a full medical report at their expense prior to issuance to contract. Contract will only be issued when Proposed candidate is deemed medically fit to undertake the assignment.




The Media Productions Specialist is expected to travel to remote project sites in rural Vanuatu with the VCAP 2 Design Team to capture video and images necessary to produce short videos and still photographs following guidelines and content requirements from UNDP and the VCAP 2 Design Team.


VCAP2 uses an integrated approach across different sectors to improve the resilience of the Vanuatu communities to promote sustainable environmental resource management practices, encourage bio-diversity, address land degradation and to assist in adapting to the impacts of climate change in order to sustain livelihoods, food production and preserve/improve the quality of life in targeted vulnerable areas.  


He/She will collaborate with other consultants and staff in producing communications products that assist in communicating effectively the environmental and climatic challenges present at potential project sites, documenting the consultation process, and providing visual images of environmental resources and community stakeholders.




The Commonwealth Vulnerability Index ranks Vanuatu as one of the world’s most vulnerable countries due to its high exposure to natural disasters, scattered island geography, narrow and economic base, inadequate communication and transportation networks and limited capacity to cope with disasters including climate change. With mostly volcanic islands, human settlements are found mostly along the coastlines and this region is a primary focus in efforts to build climate resilience. Vanuatu’s National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) include specific measures focused on the coastal zone such as the promotion of community-based marine resource management and integrated coastal zone management.


To better adapt to the impacts of climate change, the government launched the project “Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal Vanuatu” (VCAP) in November 2014. The was project funded $8.030 million grant from the Least Developed Countries Fund of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and was implemented by UNDP. The project was implemented in 6 provinces of Vanuatu covering at least 5-6 communities in each province to improve their resilience to climate change, to sustain their livelihoods, improve food production and preserve/improve the quality of life. 


The interventions of the V-CAP project had ranged from the following:

1.             The climate proofing of public conveyance infrastructure such as river crossing bridges, roads and pedestrian walkways and tracks to facilitate access needs to population centers, health facilities, markets and schools for children regardless of weather conditions.

2.             The climate proofing of existing Provincial/Area Council offices as shelters during natural disasters for 8 island communities. These also included training and equipping of existing resource personnel to respond to climate disaster needs.    

3.             The extension of agricultural services in order to facilitate the demand for food supply as a result of growing population in the outer islands and the increasing disease and pests in subsistence crops. These included the setup of nurseries and model farms in 7 island communities to supply climate resilient crops. In addition, these communities were also trained and provided farming materials to allow them to be self-sufficient. Similarly, livestock management trainings were conducted, and start-up of livestock initiatives were provided to more than 1,000 local farmers to generate further household incomes opportunities and create employment.

4.             The development of Upland Management Action Plans to address sustainable farming practices, land erosion and water security in 9 island communities. This also included the planting of vertiver grass and plants in coastal eroding hotspots and replanting of native trees and water catchments areas. In addition, water tanks and gravity feeders were installed on Torres and Epi island communities which often are affected the most during the drought seasons.               

5.             The development of Disaster Plans in 1 District, 3 Area Councils and 9 communities to be able to address disaster risk events accordingly.

6.             The successful setup of Integrated Weather Forecasting and Automated Weather Stations in the 6 provincial sites to allow a systematic analysis and predictions of climate-related events such as cyclone, storms, drought etc in order for communities to prepare beforehand.


With V-CAP completed in 2019, the government had expressed its intention to implement a phase II of V-CAP. Its decision is based on the positive outcome and contribution of V-CAP project in the local communities and the level of assistance to Vanuatu Government sectors which have benefited greatly from its interventions in the project sites in Vanuatu. A funding of $US 12 million was approved by GEF in November 2019 and will therefore be focusing on upscaling the successful interventions of the earlier V-CAP work.


Scope of work/Expected Output


A team of consultants are being gathered to work with the Vanuatu government in developing the V-CAP II Project Document for the upcoming GEF submission in November 2020.


Specific to the work of the consultant he/she will be expected to conduct the following:


  1. The Communications Productions Specialist through this work will be expected to complete the following tasks as per the contract.
  2. Deliverable 1 - Approval of work plan and detailed list of equipment to be used by specialist (including cameras, lenses, drones, stablizers, computers used for editing, etc)
  3. Deliverable 2 – SOUTH TANNA – Filming of short video (between 3 – 6 minutes total run time) of South Tanna project site produced and approved by VCAP 2 design team and UNDP including testimonial interviews from community and government stakeholders, video footage of environmental resources and threats.
  4. Deliverable 3 – SOUTH TANNA-  Still photography from South Tanna project site. 75 – 200 edited still photos shared following content checklist provided by VCAP 2 Design Team.
  5. Deliverable 4 – SOUTH EPI- Short video (between 3 – 6 minutes total run time) of South Epi project site produced and approved by VCAP 2 design team and UNDP including testimonial interviews from community and government stakeholders, video footage of environmental resources and threats.
  6. Deliverable 5 – SOUTH EPI- Still photography from South Epi project site. 75 – 200 edited still photos shared following content checklist provided by VCAP 2 Design Team.
  7. Deliverable 6 – MAEWO- Short video (between 3 – 6 minutes total run time) of Maewo project site produced and approved by VCAP 2 design team and UNDP including testimonial interviews from community and government stakeholders, video footage of environmental resources and threats.
  8. Deliverable 7 – MAEWO - Still photography from Maewo project site. 75 – 200 edited still photos shared following content checklist provided by VCAP 2 Design Team.
  9. Deliverable 8 – SANTO - Short video (between 3 – 6 minutes total run time) of Santo project site produced and approved by VCAP 2 design team and UNDP including testimonial interviews from community and government stakeholders, video footage of environmental resources and threats.
  10. Deliverable 9 – SANTO -Still photography from Maewo project site. 75 – 200 edited still photos shared following content checklist provided by VCAP 2 Design Team.
  11. Deliverable 10 – WEST AMBRYM - Short video (between 3 – 6 minutes total run time) of West Ambrym project site produced and approved by VCAP 2 design team and UNDP including testimonial interviews from community and government stakeholders, video footage of environmental resources and threats.
  12. Deliverable 11 – West Ambrym - Still photography from West Ambrym project site. 75 – 200 edited still photos shared following content checklist provided by VCAP 2 Design Team.
  13. Deliverable 12 – VCAP 1 SHELTER - Short video (between 3 – 6 minutes total run time) produced and approved by VCAP 2 design team and UNDP including testimonial interviews from stakeholders regarding AC EOC and infrastructure resilience experienced during TC Harold at Epi, Santo and Pentecost site.


Key Deliverables

Activities from Deliverables & Work Days

Time Allocated

  1. Approval of work plan for Media Productions Specialist, meeting with VCAP 2 design staff to collect information, checklist for still photos required and collecting general information needed for video storyboards.

1 day

  1. Filming and still-photography field mission to South Tanna site for short video .

4 days

  1. Editing of short video and still-images for South Tanna site. Approval of final drafts by VCAP 2 and UNDP.

3 days

  1. Filming and still-photography field mission to South Epi site for short video .

5 days

  1. Editing of short video and still-images for South Epi site. Approval of final drafts by VCAP 2 and UNDP.

3 days

  1. Filming and still-photography field mission to Maewo site for short video .

4 days

  1. Editing of short video and still-images for Maewo site. Approval of final drafts by VCAP 2 and UNDP.

3 days

  1. Filming and still-photography field mission to Santo site for short video .

5 days

  1. Editing of short video and still-images for Santo site. Approval of final drafts by VCAP 2 and UNDP.

3 days

  1. Filming and still-photography field mission to West Ambrym site for short video .

5 days

  1. Editing of short video and still-images for West Ambrym site. Approval of final drafts by VCAP 2 and UNDP.

3 days

  1. Filming of VCAP 1 Area Council Office / Emergency Operations Centres / Disaster Shelters and infrastructure resilience videos for Epi, Santo, Pentecost

4 days

  1. Editing VCAP 1 disaster shelter and infrastructure resilience video.

2 days


45 days total






Overall the consultant will be monitored, overseen and supervised by VCAP II PPG In-country Coordinator. He/She is expected to work very closely with the identified International Specialist (IS). All deliverable reports are to be discussed with IS before being submitted to UNDP.


The consultant is also expected to provide for his/her own laptop. He/she is expected to inform UNDP immediately in writing if he/she is unable to meet deliverables of this consultancy. 


Requirement for Qualifications & Experience



  • a)             Technical training completed for Film production & still photography, “Documentary” style film production experience


  1. At least 5 years of professional experience in video production support and still-photography to government stakeholders, UN Agencies, or NGO’s in Vanuatu is required
  2. Experience working on development, environment and/or climate change issues is a plus
  3. Proven experience working on communications outputs for UN Agencies, the Vanuatu Ministry of Clima Change & understanding of branding requirements from stakeholders
  4. Proven experience working on communications outputs for UN Agencies, the Vanuatu Ministry of Climate Change & understanding of branding requirements from stakeholders
  5. Knowledge (skills in writing, speaking) of English and familiarity in the use of Pacific languages


Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in written English is essential and must also be able to speak Bislama


Payment Schedule:


The following payment schedule is proposed:



Due Date

20% of Payment of Total Contract Upon Approved Submission of Deliverable 1


31 May 2020

20% of Payment of Total Contract Upon Approved Submission of Deliverables 2 - 5

30 June 2020

25% of Payment of Total Contract Upon Approved Submission of Deliverables 6 - 9

30 July 2020

35% of Payment of Total Contract Upon Approved Submission of Deliverable 10 - 12

 30 August 2020




Cumulative analysis

The proposals will be evaluated using the cumulative analysis method with a split 70% technical and 30% financial scoring. The proposal with the highest cumulative scoring will be awarded the contract. Applications will be evaluated technically, and points are attributed based on how well the proposal meets the requirements of the Terms of Reference using the guidelines detailed in the table below:


When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract may be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  1. responsive/compliant/acceptable
  2. having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

* Technical Criteria weighting; 70%

* Financial Criteria weighting; 30%


Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points in the Technical Evaluation would be considered for the Financial Evaluation. Interviews may be conducted as part of technical assessment for shortlisted proposals.









  • Technical training completed for Film production & still photography, “Documentary” style film production experience a plus





  • At least 5 years of professional experience in video production support and still-photography to government stakeholders, UN Agencies, or NGO’s in Vanuatu is required



  • Experience working on development, environment and/or climate change issues while producing communications products


  • Experience working with Ministry of Climate Change and national government stakeholders in Vanuatu


  • Knowledge (skills in writing, speaking) of English and familiarity in the use of Pacific languages


  • Quality of 3 to 4 documentary style videos shared that showcase the work and ability of the videographer to film and edit


  • Quality of 10 -15 still photos that show the ability of the photographer to capture still images and edit



  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English;



Technical Criteria



**If necessary, interviews shall also be conducted as part of the technical evaluation to ascertain best value for money. 



Financial Criteria – Lowest Price








Proposal Submission

Offerors must send the following documents.

1) CV including names of at least 3 referees

2) Cover letter setting out:

    A statement of how the applicant meets the qualifications and experience requirements.

3) Completed template for confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal

Consultant must send a financial proposal based on Professional Fees payment and DSA outside Port Vila for 27 days. In the event of unforeseeable outer island travel not anticipated in this TOR (more than xx days identified), payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and the Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.

4) Submission of Media Portfolio

  • 3 to 4 documentary style videos to be shared that showcase the work and ability of the Consultant to film and edit.   Links to stream video files online on sites such as YouTube may be shared. Submissions by hand may include videos on flash drive
  • 10 -15 still images to be shared that showcase the work and ability of the Consultant to take high quality photographs of individuals and landscapes, and edit these photos. PDF files with these sample photos may be shared with online applications or an online link to these photos may be shared. Submissions by hand may include photos on flash drive.


Airfare will be facilitated by UNDP directly and field visit transport cost.  The contract price will be fixed output-based price regardless of extension of the herein specified duration. Payments will be done upon completion of the deliverables/outputs.

In general, UNDP shall not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket should there be any in-country travel.


The P11 form and Template for confirmation of interest and Submission of Financial Proposal is available under the procurement section of UNDP Fiji website (


Consultancy Proposal (CV & Financial proposal Template ) should be uploaded on UNDP Jobshop website ( no later than, 18th May 2020 (Fiji Time) Any proposals received after this date/time will not be accepted


Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to UNDP will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants. Incomplete, late and joint proposals will not be considered and only offers for which there is further interest will be contacted. Failure to submit your application as stated as per the application submission guide (Procurement Notice) on the above link will be considered incomplete and therefore application will not be considered.