UNDP/RFP/05/2020 - To provide technical support for demonstration of Rapid Vulnerability Assessment of the buildings and community infrastructure

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00061320 - Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Programme


UNDP/RFP/05/2020 - To provide technical support for demonstration of Rapid Vulnerability Assessment of the buildings and community infrastructure


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Nepal works with the People and Government of Nepal, and other development partners to pursue equitable and sustainable human development goals through eradication of poverty, increase in livelihood opportunities, improvement in community resilience against conflict, disasters and impact of climate change, while laying down strong foundation or a society based on rule of law with an inclusive and participatory democracy.

The UNDP Nepal is soliciting proposals from interested firms/companies to provide the following services.

 Reference No.: Request for Proposal - UNDP/RFP/05/2020

Project: Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Programme (CDRMP).

Purpose: To provide technical support for demonstration of Rapid Vulnerability Assessment of the buildings and community infrastructure

Who can apply: National and international firms/companies.

How to apply:  As per the instructions in the detailed bidding document.