T200501 - 01 International Consultant for training of trainers programme on lawyering skills for legal aid providers of the Viet Nam Lawyers Association

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Non-UNDP Project


Annex IV
Annex V
Procurement Notice


UNDP Vietnam is seeking for 01 International Consultant for training of trainers programme on lawyering skills for legal aid providers of the Viet Nam Lawyers Association.

The objective of this project is to support the National Consultant (recruited by UNDP) to develop a TOT programme for VLA’s LAPs on the skills in resolving legal cases with vulnerable client-centered lawyering approach, which consists of:

  1. A detailed one-day training agenda;
  2. At least 3 lesson plans corresponding with 3 specific skills: i) case planning skills (analysing and developing a case-solving plan); ii) consultation skills (skills in communicating with clients and stakeholders); and iii) client-centered decision making skills (skills in empowering clients to make their own decision on their case). Each lesson plan delivers 3 components of outcomes: knowledge (what), skills (how) and value (why), using interactive methodologies;
  3. Handouts for learners to use in their daily work;
  4. Feedback forms for both trainers and learners;

Procurement Notice with enclosed TOR and evaluation criteria are in the attached files.

Interested offerors are invited to submit CVs, financial proposals and other information following guidance in the Procurement Notice to:

Procurement Unit

UNDP Viet Nam

304 Kim Ma, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Tel: (+84 24) 38500100

Direct: (+84 24) 38500195/ 0377397439

Email: luu.thi.trang@undp.org

with notification by email (without attachment) to: procurement.vn@undp.org that the bidder has submitted proposal.

UNDP will not be responsible for the missing of proposal if the bidder does not send notification email to above address.

Deadline for submission: 23.59, 28 May 2020 (Hanoi time)