LTA -Provision of Air Freight Logistics Service for Covid-19 Products

Link to Atlas Project

00126947 - COVID-19 Rapid Response


RFQ Document
RFQ Returnable Form; Section 3, Annex 1 and 1A
Returnable Form: Annex 2: Financial Proposal
Bid Clarification No 1


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to submit a Bid to this Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the above-referenced subject in response to COVID19 outbreak.  

There are 5 lots on offer in the RFQ  based on UNDP regions as follows:

  • Lot 1: Asia and Pacific Islands (RBAP)
  • Lot 2: Africa (RBA)
  • Lot 3: Latin America and Caribbean (RBLEC)
  • Lot 4: Europe and Central Asia (RBEC)
  • Lot 5: Arab States (RBAS)

UNDP intents to enter into a Long-Term Agreements (LTAs) with the selected contractors for each Lot and for a period of one (1) year with possible extension for another 6 months if there will be need for the services. Specific purpose of the LTAs is to deliver using Air Freight COVID19 related goods out of China to UNDP offices globally. Bidders can quote for one or more Lots.

The deadline for submission is Tuesday,16th June 2020, Before 12 00 noon , Malaysia Time (GMT/UTC +8 h) via email to The offer should be limited to a maximum 15 Mb per each email including all attachments. The offer may be split in several emails.

Your quotation is subject to the instructions provided in the RFQ document attached together with the Procurment Notice which includes:  

  • This Request for Quotation  - Section 1: Documents and Information Comprising the Offer 
  • Section 2: Technical Requirements and Evaluation Criteria
  • Section 3 (Returnable Offer form) : Your acceptance, if the contract is awarded to you, of UNDP General Conditions of Contracts available here.
  • Annex 1 (Returnable Offer Form): Technical Proposal in Word Document
  • Annex 1A (Returnable Offer Form if applicable): Local Partnership/JV/Consortium/Association Form in Word Document
  • Annex 2 (Returnable Offer Form): Financial Proposal in Excel Sheet 

 Any queries or requests for clarifications should be sent to following email:

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotation.

Sincerely Yours,

PSU/GSSU KL Procurement Team