Long – Term Agreement with a pool of specialised evaluation firms to implement evaluations under UNCDF’s Evaluation Plan

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Non-UNDP Project


RFP 66544 - QA Response 1 Round 1
QA Round 2 - UNCDF RFP 66544 Evaluation Consultants
QA Round 2 - UNCDF RFP 66544 Evaluation Consultants-UPDATED 30 June 2020
QA Round 3 - RFP 66544 - Evaluation Consultants - 3 July 2020
Amendment 1 - RFP 66544 - Extension of Deadline


To ensure UNCDF continues to meet the standards expected of its Evaluation Unit in supporting UNCDF deliver the objectives of its Strategic Framework, this Request for Proposal has two objectives:

1) Establish a pool of specialised evaluation firms that have the capacity, expertise and experience to conduct independent, external, thematic, programme and project evaluations across the full portfolio of UNCDF interventions at short notice and in full respect of the United Nations quality
standards for evaluation; and 

2) Support UNCDF’s attempts to strengthen the practice of evaluation within UNCDF and across the UN system through the introduction of innovative approaches, methods and techniques to its evaluation work in line with evolving best practice internationally.

Once pre-selected, companies will be issued a non-exclusive Long-Term Agreement (LTA) and may be called upon at short notice to propose evaluation teams to conduct evaluations from UNCDF’s EvaluationPlan as well as any ad hoc evaluation exercises as they arise.

For details, please refer to the attached RFP and related annexes.