National consultant to review UNDP Viet Nam’s policy advising work during the period 2016-2020

Link to Atlas Project

Non-UNDP Project


Financial Offer
Letter of Interest and Availability
Terms of Reference
Procurement Notice


UNDP is looking for a National consultant to review UNDP Viet Nam’s policy advising work during the period 2016-2020.

This assignment aims at assessing  the relevance and usefulness of UNDP policy work to the country’s policy framework within the national development agenda during 2016-2020.

A National Consultant will be recruited to support the international consultant (who has already identified by UNDP) to carry out the tasks and deliver the outputs below:

  1. Desk review
  2. Interview with key informants
  3. review and provide input
  4. Report preparation and finalization


The selection will be on a competitive basis and will comply with UNDP procurement regulations.

Interested offerors are invited to submit Letter of Interest and Availability, CV, financial proposals and at least 1 sample report following guidance in the Procurement Notice to:

Procurement Unit

UNDP Viet Nam

304 Kim Ma, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Direct: (+84 24) 38500283


with notification by email (without attachment) to: that the bidder has submitted proposal.

UNDP will not be responsible for the missing of proposal if the bidder does not send notification email to above address.

Deadline for submission: 23.59hrs., 29 July 2020 (Hanoi time).

We look forward to receiving your proposal by the above deadline.