Call for proposal for CSO to provide training to traditional leaders on national laws, human rights and due process and community responses to COVID-19 and related pandemics

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00102129 - Strengthening the Rule of Law in LBR: Justice & Sector


Call for proposal for CSO to provide training to traditional leaders on national laws, human rights and due process and community responses to COVID-19 and related pandemics


Title: Call for proposal for CSO to provide training to traditional leaders on national laws, human rights and due process and community responses to COVID-19 and related pandemics 

Contract Type: Grant to CSOs

Programme: Joint Programme – “Strengthening the Rule of Law in Liberia: Justice and Security for the Liberian People”

Target Location: Bong and Nimba Counties

Duration of Contract: 5 Months (1 August 2020-31 December 2020)

Submission Deadline:Proposals may be submitted on or before Friday, 24 July 2020 at 1:00 PM Liberia local time and via: 


☑Courier mail on the following address; 

VIII. Submission Requirements

CSOs who meet the requirements should submit a technical proposal of not more than ten (10) pages including annexes which should include the following: 

I. Cover letter 

II. Project Document (Technical Proposal with key areas identified above) 

III. Results Framework 

IV. Project Budget per related activities 

V. Proof of legal registration or status 

VI. A detailed work plan 

VII. CVs of key staff for the project

Address: United Nations Development Programme Registry 7th Floor, Pan African Plaza Building Opposite the Monrovia City Hall, Monrovia, Liberia Attn: The Deputy Resident Representative Programme UNDP, Liberia. 

Contact for inquiries only: