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93290 - Individual Contract for Development of Conflict Early Warning and Early Response System Indicators - Harare, ZIMBABWE
Procurement Process :IC - Individual contractor
Office :Harare - ZIMBABWE
Deadline :21-Aug-20
Posted on :10-Aug-20
Development Area :OTHER  OTHER
Reference Number :68812
Link to Atlas Project :
00096413 - Peace, Dialogue & Social Cohesion 2016-20120
Documents :
Terms of Reference
Overview :

To strengthen the mandate of the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission by developing a Conflict Early Warning and Early Response System, to be able to identify conflict before it escalates and mitigate harm.

The specific objectives are:o

  • To define the mandate of the NPRC in relation to conflict prevention, management and transformation;
  • To develop Conflict Early Warning Early Response Indicators based on evidence to be utilised by the NPRC in its system;
  • Determine and utilize areas of potential synergies and collaboration with other Chapter 12 institutions in conflict prevention, management and transformation.

 The consultancy will be carried out in seven stages: 

  • The consultant will draft an inception report, outlining – inter alia – the key research questions, methodology, work plan, relevant policies, relevant stakeholders to be consulted, and will present this at an inception meeting.
  • An in-depth desk review and analysis of the mandate of the NPRC in connection with conflict prevention, management and transformation that includes regional and international best practice.  The results of the exercise will be set out in an initial draft guide. The guide will be presented at a consultative workshop with relevant stakeholders for input into the guideline.
  • Review the indicators for other regional early warning systems and determine the areas of convergence with Zimbabwe’s conflict context;
  • Review reports of conflict situations generated from the Provinces in Zimbabwe and come up with draft indicators for the CEWER system;
  • Develop a mechanism to elicit the views of Zimbabweans across the country on the draft indicators and refine them in line with the commonly held positions;
  • Come up with indicators which will be used for the Commission’s CEWER system;
  • Prepare a report that consolidates the CEWER indicators and how they can be input into the system to ensure conflict issues are adequately captured.

NPRC and UNDP will oversee and guide the consultant. The consultancy will be directly managed by the NPRC focal person and UNDP Human Rights Specialist with support from the UN Peacebuilding inter-agency technical team.

The NPRC focal person will be responsible for convening, coordinating and supporting the assessment in close collaboration with UNDP and other relevant stakeholders.

UNDP will be responsible for convening, coordinating and supporting the capacitation and drafting processes in close collaboration with the Peacebuilding Technical Coordination Unit.

Consultant needs to comply with global and local PSEA (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) guidelines and standards.

The time frame for the entire consultancy should not exceed 5 weeks and shall deliver the following:   

  • Inception Report/inception workshop;
  • Draft report/consultative meeting(s);
  • Inhouse training on the use of the tool;

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