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RFQ 661 Construction works on adaptation of the Central Ballistic Laboratory in Belgrade
Procurement Process :RFQ - Request for quotation
Office :UNDP CO Serbia - SERBIA
Deadline :27-Aug-20
Posted on :11-Aug-20
Reference Number :68857
Link to Atlas Project :
00117813 - Small Arms Control Roadmap Implementation
Documents :
RFQ 661 Annex 4 Bil of Quantities
RFQ 661 Technical description
Prilog 1 Crtež 1- Postojece stanje
Prilog 2 Crtež 2 -Novoprojektovano stanje
Prilog 3 Crtež 3 - Osnova al. pregrada
Prilog 4 Crtež 4 -aluminijmski elemenat 1
Prilog 5 Crtež 5 - aluminijumski elemenat 2
Prilog 6 Crtež 5 a - al. elemenat 3 i 4
Prilog 7 Crtež 6 - Projekat jake struje
Prilog 8 Crtež 7 - Projekat slabe struje
Prilog 9 Crtež 8 - Projekat dojave požara
Prilog 10 Crtez 9 - pozicija tanka
Prilog 11. Crtež 10 - Orman za dokazni materijal
Prilog 12. Crtež 11 -Transfer pult
Prilog 13. Crtež 12- Sto za raspakivanje i radni sto
Prilog 14. Crtež 13 Plakari
Prilog 15 - fotografije postojeceg stanja
Prilog 16- Ag Projekat
Prilog 17 - Projekatna instalacija
RFQ 661 Adaptation Works of ballistic lab for MoI 110820
Overview :

RFQ 661 Construction works on adaptation  of the Central Ballistic Laboratory in Belgrade