0094789_Written Communication Skills Training

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Non-UNDP Project Non-UNDP Project


Request for Proposal
Annex 2


United Nations Volunteers administered by United Nations Development Programme (UNV) kindly requests you to submit your Proposal for a comprehensive training programme for United Nations Volunteer (UNV) programme staff to enhance effective written communication skills (ref. 0094789). Kindly note only companies can apply.

In line with the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme learning plan, one of the corporate priorities identified is that of communication skills.

UNV is seeking to implement a practical learning opportunity for staff to enhance their written communication skills (in English). In order to enhance our staff effective writing skills, we are aiming to launch a very practical intervention, using blended learning to strengthen and apply new and improved skills. A range of 25 to 50 individuals will benefit from the programme.

Expected Outputs:

Specialized professional training to be delivered to enhance written communication skills to a maximum of 50 staff members. This should be in the form of an online webinar series coupled with practical guided application of new skills.

1. Needs Assessment and development of training programme.

2. Delivery of one or more online workshops focusing on written communication skills.

3. Follow up small group or individual practical sessions and/ or coaching with the specific goal of implementing new communications skills.

Expected duration of work: 3 months