RFP UNDPKEN 009 2020 -MTE of Amkeni Wakenya
Procurement Process
RFP - Request for proposal
UNDP Country Office - KENYA
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Reference Number
General Terms and Conditions for Professional ServicesRFP UNDPKEN 009 2020-MTE Revised dates.docx
UNDP Kenya Invite Reputable firms to undertake a mid –term evaluation of the project (January 2015- July 2020). The evaluation will provide an overall assessment of progress and achievements made against planned results as well as assess and document challenges and lessons learnt over the past five years of the project implementation. The evaluation will also focus on significant developments that have taken place in the programming environment which including the post 2015 agenda, the sustainable development goals and ongoing UN reforms including the delinking on the UN coordination function from UNDP that will impact on implementation of the project key development objectives and realization of Programme results. In the course of preparing and submitting your proposal, it shall remain your responsibility to ensure that it is submitted into the system before the deadline. The system will automatically block and not accept any bid after the deadline. Kindly ensure that supporting documents required are signed and in the .pdf format, and free from any virus or corrupted files. It shall remain your responsibility to ensure that your quotation is submitted on or before the deadline indicated by UNDP in the eTendering system. Bids must be submitted in the online eTendering system in the following link: https://etendering.partneragencies.org using your username and password. If you have not registered in the system before, you can register now by logging in using username: event.guest password: why2change and follow the registration steps as specified in the system user guide. Your proposal must be expressed in the English, and valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the bid closing date. You are kindly requested to indicate whether your company intends to submit a Proposal by clicking on “Accept Invitation”.