Mid Term Review Tuvalu FASNETT-National Consultant ( Tuvalu nationals only)

Link to Atlas Project

00097730 - Tuvalu Sustainable National Energy Targets Project


Annex 2 Confirmation of Interest
General Conditions of Contract for Individual Contracts
Terms of Reference



                                                                                       Ref: PN/FJ/102/20


Consultancy Title

Mid Term Review Tuvalu FASNETT


Home based 

Application deadline

9th October 2020

Type of Contract

Individual Contractor

Post Level

National Consultant  ( Tuvalu nationals only)

Languages required:


Duration of Initial Contract:

35 days -starting 19th October - 5th Dec 2020

Project Name



Consultancy Proposal (CV & Financial proposal Template ) should be sent via email etenderbox.pacific@undp.org no later than, 9th  October 2020 (Fiji Time) clearly stating the title of consultancy applied for. Any proposals received after this date/time will not be accepted. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to procurement.fj@undp.org. UNDP will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants. Incomplete, late and joint proposals will not be considered and only offers for which there is further interest will be contacted. Failure to submit your application as stated as per the application submission guide (Procurement Notice) on the above link will be considered incomplete and therefore application will not be considered.

For more details ,please refer to the Terms of Reference Attached


  1. Daily rate to be inclusive of Medical insurance cost for the duration of the contract


  1. Selected Candidate will be required to submit a proof of medical insurance prior to issuance of contract


  1. If the selected/successful Candidate is over 65 years of age and required to travel outside his home country; He/She will be required provide a full medical report at their expense prior to issuance to contract. Contract will only be issued when Proposed candidate is deemed medically fit to undertake the assignment.



This is the Terms of Reference (ToR) for -the Midterm Review (MTR) of the full-sized UNDP-supported GEF-financed project titled Facilitation of the Achievement of Sustainable National Energy Targets of Tuvalu (FASNETT) (PIMS 5613), also referred herein as the Project, implemented through the Energy Department, Ministry of Transport, Energy & Tourism (ED-MTET), which is to be undertaken on 19th October 2020. The project started on the 13th February 2018 and is in its second year of implementation. This ToR sets out the expectations for this MTR.  The MTR process must follow the guidance outlined in the document Guidance For Conducting Midterm Reviews of UNDP-Supported, GEF-Financed Projects ((http://web.undp.org/evaluation/documents/guidance/GEF/mid-term/Guidance_Midterm%20Review%20_EN_2014.pdf).)




The FASNETT project was designed to achieve the following objectives through the realization of the following key outcomes:


Objectives and Key Outcomes

FASNETT has the objective of facilitation of the development and utilization of feasible renewable energy resources and application of energy efficiency technologies in Tuvalu for achieving realistic energy targets in Tuvalu. The objective indicators are as follows:

  • % share of RE in the national power generation mix. The targets (%) are from 26% to 44% at project mid-term, to 67% by end of project.

  • Cumulative GHG (CO2) emission reduction from power generationtons CO2

  • No. of women actively involved in the planning and implementation of energy services provision in the outer islands. The targets are from 0 to 5 at project mid-term and 10 by end of project.


The overarching objective will be achieved through six interrelated outcomes of FASNETT:

  • Outcome 1. Improved awareness and attitude towards sustainable Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficient (EE) technology applications in the public, commercial and energy sectors.

  • Outcome 2. Coherent and integrated implementation of enhanced policies, regulations and projects on energy development and utilization with the country’s Energy Act in support of national economic development.

  • Outcome 3.1. Enhanced energy utilization efficiency and development and application of feasible renewable energy resources in support of national economic development.

  • Outcome 3.2. Increased application of viable climate resilient renewable energy and energy efficiency technology applications in the country.

  • Outcome 4.1. Improved availability of, and access to, financing for climate resilient renewable energy and energy efficiency.

  • Outcome 4.2. Government of Tuvalu, the financial sector and donor agencies providing accessible financing for climate resilient renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.


NOTE, per the Project Implementation Review (PIR) Report: There is a very serious risk of the project implementation being off-track due to the delays in the planning and execution of the planned project activities. The planned actions for the implementation of the demonstrations starting January 2020 were not carried out as planned due to decision-making delays and further exacerbated by the COVID-19 issues. There is still the risk of some of the co-financed activities not being implemented in time with the planned demonstration activities. There is also the risk of not achieving the target GHG emission reductions of the project if not all demonstration activities will be implemented. Presently, only two demonstration activities have been planned. There is still the potential of non-availability of, or reduction in, co-financing because of re-scheduling of project activities. The MTR should comprehensively assess the current implementation status and come up with much needed adjustments in the project implementation strategy and plan.


The MTR will assess progress towards the achievement of the project objectives and outcomes as specified in the Project Document, and assess early signs of project success or failure with the goal of identifying the necessary changes to be made in order to set the project on-track to achieve its intended results. The MTR will also review the project’s strategy and its risks to sustainability.

Proposal Submission


Offerors must send the following documents sent via email etenderbox.pacific@undp.org no later than, 9th  October 2020 (Fiji Time

  • CV including names/contacts of at least 3 referees;

  • A cover letter indicating why the candidate considers himself/herself suitable for the required consultancy.

  • Completed template for confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal.


Note: Successful individual will be required to provide proof of medical insurance coverage before commencement of contract for the duration of the assignment.


Incomplete and joint proposals may not be considered. Consultants with whom there is further interest will be contacted.

Individuals applying for this consultancy will be reviewed based on their own individual capacity. The successful individual may sign an Individual Contract with UNDP or request his/her employer to sign a Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA) on their behalf by indicating this in the Offerors letter to Confirming Interest and Availability.


Consultant must send a financial proposal based on a Lump Sum Amount. The total amount quoted shall be all-inclusive and include all costs components required to perform the deliverables identified in the TOR, including professional fee(Daily fees to include IC’s medical insurance costs), travel costs, living allowance (if any work is to be done outside the IC´s duty station) and any other applicable cost to be incurred by the IC in completing the assignment. The contract price will be fixed output-based price regardless of extension of the herein specified duration. Payments will be done upon completion of the deliverables/outputs.


In general, UNDP shall not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources


In the event of unforeseeable travel not anticipated in this TOR, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and the Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.


For any clarification regarding this assignment please write to procurement.fj@undp.org.