National perception survey on trust and accountability in governance structures and institutions in The Gambia

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00109930 - Consolidating Democratic Governance for Development in T




This survey is complementary of that agenda intended to track the achievements of this project.  As a result, UNDP, and its partners through the PBF Governance and Leadership Project aspires to conduct the national perception survey on the level of accountability and trust of governance structures and institutions in The Gambia. The perception survey will gather statistically reliable quantitative and qualitative information directly from the people of The Gambia on their knowledge, demand, perceptions on the level of accountability and trust in governance structures and institutions to enable improved service delivery. The national perception survey will serve as a baseline data that will inform programmatic decisions based on perceptions on the level of accountability and trust needs of target groups and for the geographical location of the pilots. The study will support the collection of baselines and the development of contextualized indicators to monitor progress and impact of the project


UNDP seeks an experienced and qualified national firm to conduct a comprehensive survey targeting a representative sample of Gambian citizens, particularly women and children and to collect statistically reliable qualitative and quantitative data on current perceptions on the level of accountability and trust in  governance structures and institutions in The Gambia. The baseline will inform future Governance interventions, recommendations to improve the level of accountability and trust in governance structures and institutions and ways to address these challenges.

The specific objectives of the survey are to:

  • To determine public perceptions of the level of accountability and trust between public service leadership and the population

  • Measure the perception of the trust level in the performance of service delivery and its processes.

  • Identify the factors that govern the relationship between individuals and the state including comparative levels of trust between local and national authorities and between citizens and local actors.

  • Understand citizens’ expectations and confidence in the established governance mechanisms and what factors influence their expectations

  • To identify best practices and provide recommendations to improve accountability in service delivery.



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