Design and supervision of Gambia Press Union Media Center

Link to Atlas Project

00103813 - PBF Support Proj. Gambia




Working closely with the TJHR, TRRC and GPU, the services of a qualified and experienced individual consultant or a professional firm of consulting architects and engineers (Project Design and Supervision Consultant) is required to provide advice and support to the implementation of the Scheme through the provision of design and costing advice to the potential recipients and the TJHR Project (PMU), as well as the supervision of the construction of the project.

Following the Call for Proposals, proposals will be assessed by the Focal Group and those receiving preliminary approval will receive additional design and costing advice from the Design and Supervision Consultant in conjunction with the TJHR Project, TRRC and GPU. The more detailed proposals (with design and costings prepared) will then be subject to final approval.

Detailed design for the project and project costings prepared by the Consultant, with the support and under the supervision of the TJHR Project, TRRC and GPU, will also form the basis for the tendering and contracting of the projects’ construction. Designs will need to be fully compliant with the building code and development requirements.

Various options for packaging the construction contract(s) will be examined to create construction efficiencies within the scope of the project. The Consultant will prepare the Construction tender documents in liaison with the TJHR Project, the TRRC and GPU and support the technical evaluation of the tender proposals for the construction contract(s).

The Consultant, in close collaboration with the TJHR Project, will be required to conduct consultations with each recipient in order to develop a design brief for the project which has received preliminary approval that is within the indicative budget and aligns with the project outcomes and the project proposal. Design solutions may be buildings and landscaping or a combination of these.

Once all design briefs and budgets have been approved, the Consultant will be required to develop each schematic for construction tender, development consent and building permit (if required) with an accurate cost estimate. In order to keep costs within budget it is anticipated that projects will require as little engineered design as possible.

The Consultant, in collaboration with the TJHR Project, TRRC and GPU is expected to use their skills and experience to ensure that the total cost of works is kept below the total construction budget.

Once a Construction Contractor(s) (the Construction Contractor) has been nominated, the Consultant will devise and execute a plan in consultation with the Construction Contractor(s) to ensure works are completed within the Project timeframe.

In addition to design, costing and supervision advice of the selected Scheme proposals, the Consultant will be required to provide oversight of the final completion of the project.

Submit Technical and Financial proposals to: